Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

For Pete's Sake


My husband, who is a Deacon, has the opportunity to perform Baptisms from time to time.  I love to join him so I can share in the special blessing of being a part of a family as they celebrate this Sacrament.  It was more than a year ago when we met the family of Pete at his Baptism.  Pete was a toddler when he was baptized; so before the ceremony began, he was free to roam around.  When my husband was ready to begin, it was time for Pete to be brought to the Baptismal font. He was not ready to give up his roaming, so he put up quite a loud battle as the ceremony began.  Pete is a big boy, so things were a bit of a struggle.  My husband and the family persisted, and eventually all was finished.  I was sure if Pete remembered anything of this day, it would not be a pleasant memory for him!


As I reflected on that day, it reminded me of how we adults can sometimes come into something God wants for us … kicking and screaming.  We put our needs, wants or ideas first.  We totally miss the wonderful experience that is about to be given to us.  We don’t understand that by participating in an amazing opportunity to grow in God’s grace,  we are becoming better witnesses of his love.


Following Pete’s Baptism, we would see him with his family at Mass or other parish activities.  At first, he would hide behind his Mother and just peek out at us.  But as time went on, he would greet us with a beautiful smile that would steal your heart.  He is a typical little boy growing up, but he always leaves me with a deep sense of something more.  


I’m sure he remembered nothing of that day that he held against my husband; but instead, in his own innocent way, he felt some kind of connection.  Each time we see him, he becomes more friendly. I just knew there was something special about this little boy.  When I asked his Mother for permission to write about him because of the way I had been affected by him, she started to cry.  She then told me when she was in the early stages of her pregnancy with Pete, something was wrong and surgery had to be done.  There was a chance she could lose this little boy.  But all went well and Pete was born healthy. This is what God wanted for this little boy – to be born and Baptized, and to affect all who meet him.  As his older sister told me one day, “everybody thinks Pete is special!”  It is easy to be affected by him.   He has been born to parents who love him and teach him about God; older sisters who are great role models for him; and a parish community who welcomed him into their midst when he was baptized.  


Sometimes we need reminders of what God wants for us.  We must keep our hearts and minds open to his will.  We don’t always know who, or what will affect us, but God will take care of that.    

I hope each of you find a “Pete” in your life; and for Pete’s sake, I pray that as he becomes older he will understand what a special instrument of God he can be.  How grateful I am to have learned so much about life from this little guy.