Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Fear And Courage

By Mary Ann Hughes

Have you ever been afraid?

I’ve had a lot of fear during my lifetime. I’ve heard that it’s important to face your fears, but sometimes it’s hard.

A few years ago, my husband and I were hiking around the lake at Lincoln State Park. That place has always been one of my favorites. It seems that the sky is a little bluer there, and so is the lake. As you enter the wooded area, the noises from the swimming area become muffled, replaced by the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves.

So that Saturday morning there we were, happily hiking, when we came upon a large snake coiled up right in the middle of our path.

My husband was ready to hike on, but I sure wasn’t. I carefully backed away, and I stayed away for a couple of years.

He recently suggested that we return to the lake for another hike, and after summoning up my courage I agreed.

It was a beautiful day, and on the path, we were met with the sweet fragrance of honeysuckle flowers.

There was a clear blue sky, and we saw water lilies and boaters on the nearby lake.

There were no snakes. Well, I’m sure they were there; but God, in His mercy, prevented me from seeing any of them.

It was a day filled with beauty, not fear.

From his earliest days as the Bishop of Rome, Saint John Paul the Great encouraged us to not be afraid. He certainly knew about conquering fear, having dealt with the early death of his beloved mother, and then with the cruel regimes of the Nazis and the Communists.

He had so much courage as our pope. In fact, his deep spirituality and his courage in upholding the truth were clear signs of his sainthood, said his successor, Pope Benedict XVI. He “never asked for applause, he never looked around, worried about how his decisions would be received. He acted according to his faith and his convictions.”

Jesus also encouraged His apostles to “be not afraid.” He knew what was ahead for each of them because they were His followers, but He also knew that when the power of the Holy Spirit came upon them, they would be filled with the courage to tell the world about Him.

I believe Jesus wants us to be courageous too – courageous in telling others about Him; courageous in sharing the Gospels; courageous in living our daily lives; even courageous when we face snakes on our path.