Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Simply Pray - The Power Is Yours!

By Zoe Cannon


Twenty years ago I bought a bumper sticker that read, “As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school.”  It is August, and a new school year has begun! Could there be more reason to pray? 


As parents of four children, my husband and I spent many days – from that first kindergarten classroom in 1983 until the last college graduation in 2009 – asking God for guidance, protection and patience for the entire family.  Those 26 years were very eventful and enjoyable, and they flew by so quickly.  The physical, emotional and financial responsibilities were also challenging at times. Educating children and providing religious instruction takes tremendous responsibility from students, teachers and parents.  The most important obligation you have for your children as parents is the gift of your prayers.


We live in a world of absolutes where we sometimes have an all-or-nothing way of thinking.  We wait, worry and wonder about all the circumstances in our lives.  In John 14:1, Jesus comforted His disciples by saying, “Do not let your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in Me.”  In accepting real spiritual truth, our fears can be calmed, but we must be patient and persistent in prayer.  We believe there is deep-rooted power in prayer because Scripture tells us that, quite simply, prayer is the power of God.


This was made evident when Jesus performed His first miracle on earth at the wedding feast at Cana. Turning the jars of water into exceptional wine for the wedding guests was an opportunity to prepare the hearts of the people for greater things to come.  This compassionate gesture was a foretelling of the mystery of the Eucharist, as Jesus turned bread and wine into His Body and Blood by the power of God. 


The second miracle recorded in Scripture was the healing of a nobleman’s son. This nobleman from Capernaum walked more than 20 miles to Cana looking for Jesus.  He asked for his son to be healed.  Upon request, Jesus answered, “He lives.”  Then Jesus said to him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe" (John 4:48).  The nobleman returned home to find his son cured.   When he shared the words Jesus spoke to him, his entire household came to believe.


The power of prayer is not in the words we say, or even how often we say them.  In fact, God answers our prayers in spite of our own disbelief.  Almighty God encourages us to call upon Him, and these conversations keep us connected to Him.  We should expect amazing results because His perfect will and timing are complete. Don’t ever give up on prayer; allow the Holy Spirit to do the heavy lifting for you!  St. Monica is a great example of persistence, as she spent decades praying for her wayward son Augustine. Our entire Church benefitted from his conversion through her faithfulness to prayer.


This 2015-16 school year will have many challenges and many successful achievements.  When our hearts are right with God, all things are possible.  The first miracles performed on earth by Jesus, through God’s power, involved marriage, children and family.  Pray together as a family, and participate in the Eucharistic celebration.  It may be a mystery, but this powerful gift has already been revealed to us. As long as there is prayer in your home, the power of God will prevail – especially in a world where His Truth is absolute! 


Greater things are yet to come! Amen!