Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

The Family Of God

By Zoe Cannon


The bible tells us that all people are God’s creation. “See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are.” –1 John 3


In God’s family, the heirs to His Kingdom inherit the great spiritual blessing of eternal life! The bible also tells us that salvation is conditional because no sin enters heaven. We must abide in God!  Simply knowing about Jesus is not enough to escape the contamination of this world; we must be in relationship with Him, personally. 


The Sunday Gospel readings recently were lessons about justification of the law and salvation.  One can debate the topic of “faith and works,” and the universal salvific will of God, with Old and New Testament scripture references. The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that justification has been merited for us by the passion of Christ. His blood became the instrument of atonement for the sins of all men.


Our justification comes from the grace of God and is freely given in the waters of Baptism. Grace helps us respond to a call to become children of God, partakers of the divine nature and eternal life.  God said to Abraham, “By you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves.”  St. Paul interprets this text as “a foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith.…” And again; “I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.”


The Letters of Paul and James teach us that works of law and good works are two different things. Paul teaches that we are not justified by works of the law, as he refers to the Law of Moses.  Remember, Paul’s mission was to preach that salvation was also for Gentiles, who were not subject to the works of Mosaic Law.  The works James speaks of are good works like feeding the poor.  Laws like the Ten Commandments were given to protect us with knowledge, helping us to be free of sin.   “Do you see that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only?” – James 2:24  


Family is the most stabilizing force in a great society.  The home should be a safeguard from harm, a place where love and respect are found. This was God’s plan from the beginning, and we can never go wrong being faithful to God’s will.  Our fourth grandchild was born Sept. 2, and having all four in our home is a joy!  The innocence and obedience of children are humble reminders of how to resist temptation through faith and works.


This true story is a great example.  Our 18-month-old grandson is fascinated with our land-line telephone.  Every time he visits, he wants to play with it – until one evening when he unintentionally dialed 911 before his Dad could reach him. 


Hearing toddler gibberish prompted the county Sheriff’s Department to call back. We apologized and explained the situation – then had a talk with the children about listening and following rules.  Our home is new and in a remote area, so the Deputy Sheriff decided to check things out. 


When the “police car” pulled into our lane 20 minutes later, our grandchildren were not amused.  The deputy was very understanding and talked to the kids about the seriousness of emergencies and respecting the law. 


Now, when our grandson comes to the house, he immediately goes straight to the phone and hands it to me, as if to say, “please, help me with this temptation!”  As members of God’s family, we must be accountable to one another by faith and works because He loves us all! Amen!