Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Seeking The Mercy Of God

By Zoe Cannon
Zoe Cannon

Scripture provides many accounts of individuals who walked the earth with Jesus.  The story of one particular companion gives us reason to pause and think about our own sinfulness, especially during the Jubilee of Mercy.  The conversion of one person can make a difference in the world! 

In the New Testament we read about Mary of Magdala, who accompanied Jesus and ministered to Him.  She was known as a sinner in the city, the penitent woman who Jesus had freed from seven evil spirits. She heard that Simon the Pharisee invited Jesus into his home for a meal, and she shamelessly arrives with a pot of ointment.  While Jesus sat at THE table, she anointed His feet with her tears and fragrant oil. (Luke 7:37-50)  The Pharisee questioned why a real prophet would allow this kind of woman to touch him.  This act of humility in seeking forgiveness is powerful.  

In the Gospels we read that Mary Magdalene was one of the remaining women at the foot of the cross when Jesus died.  She was there when they laid Him to rest.   She returned alone to the burial place while it was still dark, and the stone was already removed from the tomb.  She wept and saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head, and one at the feet where Jesus had been lying. She found a man she thought was the gardener, and asked him where the body had been taken.  He said to her, “Mary!”  Recognizing the voice, she said in Hebrew, “Rabboni” (which means teacher).  Her loyalty and love for Jesus blessed her with the greatest gift.  She was the first person to see the Resurrected Jesus! 

What can we learn from this controversial person named Mary?  Was she predestined for this honor, or was it her gratitude for the unconditional love of Jesus, which placed her in these moments of salvation history?  Her obedience in sharing the news of the Risen Christ with the disciples must have seemed surreal.  Most important ... what does this “chance meeting” with Mary say about Jesus, who disclosed His revelation to a known sinner?   

The concern Jesus has for the forgiveness of sins is still an important mission today.  He greeted the disciples as they rejoiced in seeing Him again.  He stood in their midst and said, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained” (John 20: 19-230.    It is important to note that one of the first things Jesus did after His Resurrection was institute the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  He empowered His priests to be instruments of forgiveness.  Scripture makes it perfectly clear that Jesus Christ delegated authority to these New Testament ministers to act as mediators of reconciliation.  The opportunity to cleanse our souls continues today when we go to confession with our priest. 

Have you ever been prompted to do something that seemed bold and impractical, but followed through with conviction anyway?  Imagine yourself in Mary’s situation.  Would your heart and mind be prepared to follow her example?  Graciously accept the unconditional love and grace God gives to us through the great teachings of His Son, Jesus! You can make a difference in this world!  Amen!