Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

The Fire Of His Love

By Zoe Cannon
Zoe Cannon

Sometimes we just don’t get it!  We live in a complicated world, searching for answers and occasionally living in fear.  The news media and the current political arena remind us daily that we need to be attentive.  All our concerns can be calmed with a little common sense and education, right?  Not always!  It appears that ignorance is not as big a problem as the issue of fear.  Recently, students at Indiana University in Bloomington panicked as they reportedly saw Ku Klux Clan members on campus.   What they encountered were white robbed Dominican Priests with rosaries around their waist.  This is a perfect example of fear run amuck! 

A song came to my mind as I was thinking about the irritation or “heat” we feel with people’s disregard and lack of understanding for the warmth of love God provides for all of us.   This secular song was written by Glen Frey in 1984 and is titled, “The Heat Is On.” Its lyrics include this line: “Caught up in the action, I’ve been looking out for you!”  God knows about all these situations.  He is counting on each of us to be His soldiers in the battle of fear and terror.  We need a fire in us, a fire for Jesus!  If we have the joy of the Lord burning in our hearts, we have nothing to fear!  “The Joy of the Lord is our strength”  (Nehemiah 8:10). 

Living a virtuous life is an arduous task.  Those who practice prudence often take care of the mess left by those who live carelessly.  It is a responsibility that is difficult to embrace, but we must – if we want to make the world a better place.  When you follow the Shepherd, you become a shepherd too! 

I attended Mass recently in a large parish on the north side of Indianapolis.  The seating capacity was for 1,000 people, and every pew was filled for this 9:30 a.m. Mass.  The parish offers five Masses every weekend, and hires a patrol car to direct traffic when Mass is over.  I realized as I looked around that I did not know a single person in the church other than my family. It was beautiful to think that all these unfamiliar faces would leave the church and take Jesus with them. All the spiritual power and strength they needed for their day was provided at this incredible celebration. The Mass never ends!  But we need more priests! 

This brings me back to the Dominican Priests on the IU campus.  The presence of a priest in a roman collar or a robe is a sign of hope and promise.  The fear in the students was pathetic and sad – but very indicative of the terror our culture has created.  We need more priests, religious men and women with missionary hearts, who are visible, and available to Shepherd the sheep, just as Jesus planned.  

Fear in the world may continue, but an increase of the presence of those called to serve in the Church can turn panic into peace.  If young, educated people do not recognize the beauty of this presence, therein is the real problem of the world.  April 17 was National World Day of Prayer for Vocations.  We need to be praying every day, and encouraging young people to discern where God is calling them to serve in this world.  

The heat is on, but God is looking out for you!  Keep soldiering, soldiers!  Amen!