Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

My Hope Is In The Lord!

By Zoe Cannon

I am so grateful for my Catholic faith!  We live because Jesus lives! “Do you think I have come to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on there will be five in one household divided, three against two and two against three” (Luke 12:52).

This passage seems contrary to the love of God the Father. But God knew that it would be difficult to accept the message of Jesus. Before His Ascension into heaven, Jesus promised an advocate and counselor to protect and empower us from evil.  The power of the Holy Spirit!  Jesus brought division because some would believe in Him and some would not. There is nothing ambiguous about His warning.  Scripture reveals discord among believers and non-believers before the early Church was formed. When we commit our lives to Jesus we must be willing to share in His suffering. While praying in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before He died, the intense anguish and sorrow Jesus felt caused Him to sweat blood. Discipleship is not always easy!

Today Christians are being challenged with unprecedented measures. In the world of social media there are so many ways to express our thoughts, and there are sometimes instant reactions. Is this beneficial?  I began using social media accounts to connect with the people I met during a Teens Encounter Christ Weekend, and to bond with family and friends that I could not visit in person. This opportunity provided an avenue of communication that was very positive, evangelistic, and enjoyable.  I still love to read great commentary with news from the Church, or hear great homilies that are posted on YouTube. However, secular information and the current political mood make weeding out the wheat from the chaff very daunting.  We need to be disciplined in our trials. 

I admit it is hard to stay away from reading news feeds or the temptation to respond.  It reminds me of the story in Genesis with Lot’s wife, who turned into a ‘pillar of salt’ because her curiosity and disobedience got the best of her.  Lot’s wife does not have a name in the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah, but the significance of her turning into a pillar of salt is interesting. The Hebrew for “pillar” signifies a stronghold, something that watches over something else.  This ‘pillar of salt’ watched over the Dead Sea, where to this day no life exists. We must never turn back from the profession of faith we have made, but follow the life of Christ without hesitation or fear!  Perhaps Lot’s wife was not recognized personally because she represents all of us.  Do we heed warnings about the destruction of all that God holds sacred?  Are we reacting with love by promoting a culture of life, or ignoring the stronghold in a culture of death? 

If you are feeling division in your life, with family, church, or friendships, prayer is the answer! The ability to stand firm sets the faithful apart, and gives witness to the presence of God in your life.  The most demanding part of Christian living is the patience to wait on the Lord.  He will help you become a pillar of strength with everlasting life! Love Jesus, He loves you!"And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You (Psalm 39:7).  Amen!