Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

How To Evangelize Like Jesus

By Zoe Cannon
Zoe Cannon

“Then God said, ‘Let there be light;’ and there was light” (Genesis 1:3).


A miracle happens every day!  By the power of God we wake up each morning to a rising sun, which provides us with light that is crucial to all life on earth!  The sun may be a plain old average star; but without this incredible light that has burned for more than 4.5 billion years, life on earth would not exist.


In John 14:12, Jesus says, “Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father.”  Jesus was counting on a multitude of people doing great things, which would increase the work He was able to perform on earth.


The Church will celebrate Pentecost Sunday on June 4.  The Holy Spirit poured out power upon the Apostles at the first Pentecost in the Upper Room – just as Jesus had promised.  They were given the necessary gifts to do great works and increase the number of baptized faithful.  Do you believe Jesus when He said, “You will do the works that I do?”   How are you using your gifts to make the world a place of love and light?  


In the Adult Formation Class at our parish, we were discussing the Holy Spirit and the grace we receive in the sacraments.  Imagine a world where all people who are baptized, anointed in Confirmation and receiving the Eucharist fully understood and accepted the grace we receive for our journey on earth.  This power is available for us every day, just as faithfully as the sun rises each morning.


God planned for our continued peace and salvation; but sadly, religious indifference creates confusion and disorder.  Today there is so much misinformation, and the easy access to this deception has made our world very divided.  It seems that everyone wants acceptance and understanding – but on their terms.  The Living Word of God in Scripture provides guidance and truth, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church is a summary of official teaching of Catholic beliefs.  We have everything we need and more to evangelize like Jesus!


I love history, so I often read past events “on this day.”  I checked the archives for June 4, since that is the date of Pentecost this year.  Nothing could be as earth-shattering as tongues of fire descending from heaven.  But, appreciate what these few historic events, all occurring on June 4, reveal about mankind:  

  • In 1919, The U.S. Senate passed the Women’s Suffrage bill

  • In 1924 an eternal light was dedicated at Madison Square Garden in New York City in memory of all New York soldiers who died in World War I  

  • In 1985, The Supreme Court upheld a lower-court ruling striking down an Alabama law that provided for a daily minute of silence in public schools

  • In 2003, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would ban “partial birth” abortions by a 282-139 vote. (The ban was struck down again in June 2004.)

In any given year....these life issues and struggles are real!


In observing the state of principles throughout history, it is no wonder that Jesus said, "Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division” (Luke 12:51).   

Jesus knew that sharing His message of truth would be challenging.  He left us His Church, the priesthood and the sacraments through the power of the Holy Spirit.  

His public ministry is our model; the Holy Spirit is our guide and comforter.  We may be average people, but Christ is counting on us to be an incredible light for the world!  Amen!