Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Soldiers Of Christ Are Needed!

By Zoe Cannon

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you!” –Phil. 4:8-9  


The Apostle Paul encourages his followers to remember that truth and real peace come from God.  Paul speaks to them by noting the moral depravity of the pagan culture.  His concern is not that they do not know right from wrong, but that they do wrong despite knowing better.  At the root of our postmodern secular culture is the same problem – it is called relativism.  The basic theory of moral relativism is that there are no moral judgments that apply to all human beings.  People believe they should get whatever they want whenever they can because life is too short.  In other words, if it feels good, just do it!   This gray morality accuses people who believe in the absolutism taught in Scriptural Truth of being intolerant and judgmental.  Christianity is about Christ’s teaching; and when God speaks, it is not for man to interpret through his own feelings what God has said.   


The battle of moral and ethical relativism has spread into the realm of Christianity, causing faithful people to question and acquiesce by saying “But it’s not for me,” instead of standing strong on moral issues.  We must remember that we are our brother’s keeper, and sharing truth with love is what the apostles did.  Someday we will be asked, “What about your brother?”  I hope to share truth with love to those in my life, even at the risk of standing alone.


I recently attended a presentation by Father Vincent Lampert, the Exorcist for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.  He spoke to a full house in the gymnasium at Ron Cali High School in Indianapolis.  This ministry of charity in the Catholic Church is uniquely sacred.  The role of the Exorcist through the Rite of Prayer is to bring people closer to God by focusing on Him – not the presence of evil.  A New Rite of Prayer for Exorcism was written in 1999 and fine-tuned in 2004. Prior to the revision, the same prayers had been used since the year 1614.   


In 2005, Archbishop Emeritus Daniel Buechlein asked Father Lampert to train for the ministry, and a priest in Rome, Italy, mentored him.  There were 12 Exorcists in the United States at that time, and there are now 85.  The international membership of priests in this ministry is 500.  Father Lampert averages 25 calls a week, and half of the people are not Catholic.  A very small percentage of the calls ever result in exorcisms, but the need for the deliverance-of-evil-presence is very real.  Father Lampert said, “The devil has not stepped up his game since the fall of Adam and Eve, but more people are willing to play because people have become slaves to sinfulness.”  When we are void of trust in God we are vulnerable.  He told us that our assigned guardian angels are more powerful than any evil presence, and a close relationship with God gives us nothing to fear. 


Not everyone is blessed to know that they were created in the image and likeness of God.  Please be a light to those living in darkness. Do not be ashamed to talk about living a virtuous life.  Real freedom comes from living the Absolute Truth in Sacred Scripture.  I am very grateful for my faith in a loving God. We must help people be formed, informed and transformed!  Amen! `