Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Don't Let The World Dictate How You Feel!

By Zoe Cannon

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Ps 147:3).


On Sunday Feb. 11, we will celebrate the 160th anniversary of Our Lady of Lourdes. The Blessed Mother’s appearance to Bernadette Soubirous in 1858 has inspired millions of pilgrimages to France every year.  A stream of miraculous water near the grotto at the place where Our Lady appeared draws those who seek healing.  


We are a wounded world.  The pain and struggles are everywhere, and no one is exempt.  The means to remedy the problems, and those trying to solve them, are in conflict.  People seem to forget that the battle has already been won. We have a responsibility to share the good news, reminding everyone that Christ took all this pain and conquered it so that we could live. The opportunity to let others know how much God loves them is called evangelization. God’s love and healing are extended to all people by the power of the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments, traditions and teachings of the Church.


The eternal truth of every human being is documented in Scripture with the accounts of “salvation history” to remind us how much God loves us! To understand why we exist, we must understand the reason for, and the consequences of, the Creator’s decision. Our fundamental inheritance as man and woman—sons and daughters, generation to generation – is linked between Mary the Mother of God and the whole human family. The salvific importance in the mystery of the pre-determined plan of God in the life of Mary, and her “yes,” have made possible the central event in our faith; the Paschal Mystery. 


Why is our world so troubled?  The answer is because many people do not know Jesus. The balance of physical, mental and spiritual health for every human being is essential to real happiness. Mental Health America was founded in 1909, and is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit that gathers data, health statistics and information about Americans. It is reported that one in five adults have a mental condition – this is 40 million people; more than the populations of New York and Florida combined.   The alarming news is the growing rate of youth with severe depression who have little or no treatment. The world of iPhone technology and social media are creating a young generation that is negatively affected by weakened relationships and persuasive advertisements.


In 1992, St. Pope John Paul II instituted a World Day of the Sick in the Roman Catholic Church. The day is celebrated on Feb. 11 to commemorate the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. This special time of prayer reminds us to offer our suffering for the good of the Church, and to see the face of Christ in all our brothers and sisters who are sick and suffering.  On this 26th World Day of the Sick, pray for those suffering and give thanks for the gift of faith by helping others know Jesus.


This year on Feb. 11, our family will be celebrating the 13th anniversary of the miraculous healing of our son from a traumatic brain injury. The love extended to us on Feb. 11, 2005, was filled with faith, prayer and Lourdes water. This life-changing event and the year that followed were nothing short of miraculous.  They are the motivations for sharing this column—“Gratitude for the Gift of Faith.” God comforts the broken-hearted and heals wounds. Please share your faith!  Amen!