Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place?

By Zoe Cannon


Who is God? When Moses asked this question God spoke to him through a burning bush, "I AM WHO I AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14. Where do you see God? Hopefully, it is in the burning hearts of faithful people. How do you see God? Is He vengeful or loving? God is at work and remains in this world. He is never completely silent and His final word has not been spoken. Clearly recognized in the Christian mind, He is Three in One, the Blessed Trinity. Remember, He created us in His own likeness and image, so how could man forget the Creator of his life?

In order to really understand the mysteries of our faith, studying and reading are important, but prayer is essential! The teachings from the Doctors of the Church are timeless and wonderful works for building up our knowledge of faith. St. Teresa of Avila, one of the female Doctors of the Church, joined the Carmelite Order in 1535. She spent a number of years with severe illness that left her legs paralyzed for three years, but then she experienced a vision of "the sorely wounded Christ" that changed her life forever. St. Teresa left future generations many new convents, which she continued founding up to the year of her death. She also left a significant legacy of writings, which provide valued information about the history of Christian mysticism. These works include the Way of Perfection, the Interior Castle, and an autobiography, the Life of Teresa of Avila.

These visuals from Moses and St. Teresa with the burning bush and the vision of Christ’s wounds are helpful in grasping the realities of God’s presence in our lives. The opportunity to understand these truths is not exclusive to Old Testament people or Doctors of the Church. In our own searching and obedience we can experience these same beautiful images of God working in our lives.

God instructed Moses to erect a dwelling place for the Ark. In this meeting tent a cloud arose from the dwelling, instructing the children of Israel when to go forward in their journey to the Promised Land. How do you know when you are on the right path, and when to move forward in obedience? The written law of God and His Spirit are available to us today. We must understand that the Spirit of God and His grace are what help us follow and obey these commandments. Not just with blind obedience, but with love. In discerning the promptings of the Spirit, we are guided, so that we are not set off course by every urge to please God that comes our way.

We are a temple of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit dwells in us. Therein lays an awesome responsibility to take care of the temple. In the “Interior Castle,” St. Teresa describes the dwelling place of the soul as a castle surrounded by mansions where the soul must navigate on its journey to the center of the castle and union with God. Her vision of these seven mansions profoundly describes the journey we travel from “room to room” if you will, to prepare our souls for the perfection of heaven. It may seem mysterious and complex, but the reality is very simple. Our only goal in life should be to prepare, guide, and nourish our souls with the grace from God and the commandments He gave to Moses. Meditate on the wonder of God and who He is, so that you may enjoy the lovely Dwelling Place He has waiting for you. Amen!