Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Faith Of Our Fathers

By Zoe Cannon


We are all members of God’s family.  Our inheritance is His Kingdom because we are His children, citizens of His Holy people.  His Son had to die in order for us to be brought into God’s family.

Jesus’ death wasn’t short and quick.  It was long and agonizing, and it was for us – His sons and daughters. There is no denying the importance of family.  This gift from God continues through the covenant of marriage.  Our own family members, parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and ultimately our husband or wife, are influential in helping us become the best person we can be.  Our earthly legacy is part of God’s plan as well. The love of family is life’s greatest blessing!

Our lives stay in flux.  There are times when it seems change is happening quickly all around us, regardless of whether we are ready for it.  And then there are days when we think things will never change!  And the Lord says, “Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

My husband, Dick, and I are a month away from relocating from the community where we grew up – which is exciting, yet intimidating.  After years of hard work, retirement is gratifying, but challenging.  On June 27, 2014, his official last day at Valley Electric Supply, I realized that something very significant was taking place.  Generations of Cannon families were electricians by trade.  In 1915, Roy Mason Cannon, Dick’s grandfather, started an electrical business in Vincennes that supported his 6 sons and their families for almost 75 years.  When Cannon Electric Company closed its doors in the late 1980’s the remaining Cannons continued the trade with other companies until Dick retired this past month, and the era of almost 100 years of Cannon electricians ended in Vincennes.  The success of this business was maintained because of strong commitment and family. 

How can we strengthen our commitment of faith as members of the family of God, so that members of our own family may benefit for generations?  We must remember that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  Hebrews 13:8   Our world is always changing – our attitudes, our value system, and the way we raise our family.  The greatest legacy we can leave for our loved ones is the gift of our Catholic faith; a Church instituted by Christ more than 2000 years ago.  If you trust Jesus, who calmed the seas, why would you be afraid to get out of the boat and follow Him?

The Church – particularly the local Church, the Diocese of Evansville – needs your dedication to prayer and participation in the family of God as active members.  Respect the generations of people who provided us with the opportunity to share the faith by teaching your children … yesterday, today, and forever! 

It is a small price to pay. Amen!