Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

The Family Christmas Card List

By Zoe Cannon

The Christmas Season officially ended Jan. 11, 2015, when the Church celebrated the Baptism of the Lord, but the joy of the season should last all year!


One of the most valued traditions is the archived “Family Christmas Card List.”  Every year, we bring out this list with names of friends and family who are important in our lives.  Once a year we connect with these individuals, some we may not see for years; yet a card is mailed to them every Christmas. There may be changes to the list because family dynamics alter.  Life is busy, so the list may be shortened due to lack of time for addressing cards, or because of the financial expense in sending them.  Cards may even be electronically sent, but the names of the people we reach out to remains the same.


Several years ago, I began praying for each family on my list as I sat down to address their card.  Our lives change for many reasons; we may relocate, change jobs, or retire. There are new people added to the family by marriage, new babies are born, there are times of need for prayer with sickness, and those who have passed away.  No family is exempt from conflict and difficulty.  


I am certain that the list of names on my Christmas card list were brought into my life for good reason.  I may only see their faces on the family Christmas card when it arrives in the mail, but they are an important part of my life.  This year I placed my newly updated “Family Christmas Card List” into my “prayer jar,” so that I can remember to lift these special people in prayer all year long. 


There have been many changes in my family over this past year, and I know we are not alone.  When challenges arise I find more people are seeking connections of faith, asking for prayer, and turning to God in time of need.  The very things that occupy so much of our time are also the methods we use to stay in touch with loved ones – cell phones, e-mail, text messages, and other forms of social media.  There is still no better form of instant messaging than conversation with God. When our relationship with Him is nurtured daily, we are never alone.  The peace we are looking for in life can only come from our trust in a merciful, loving God. “Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.” – Psalm 124:8 


The late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, Archbishop of Chicago, wrote a personal reflection before his death in November 1996; the book is titled, “The Gift of Peace.”  It is a brilliant reminder of how suffering can be redemptive, and our relationship with God will bring us through the most difficult moments of our life.  His message tells us that we must let go, empty ourselves, and suffer in communion with Christ in order to find new life! This is the Paschal Mystery that we participate in every time we attend Mass. True peace is a gift, and we seldom find that path of peace on our own, we need the support and love of others, we need the Body of Christ!


We may only celebrate Christmas once a year, but the list of names on our Family Christmas Card List should be in our prayers everyday.  “These are times that try men’s souls;” these words, written in 1776 by Thomas Paine in a political pamphlet titled “Common Sense,” are still true 239 years later.  It makes good sense to rely on communication with God to handle all the difficulties in our lives.  We made that promise and received the grace to empower us in our own baptism.  Praise God for the ability to contact him at any moment, no postage or cell service required, it is a sure way to keep joy in your life! Amen!