Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

The Hidden Treasures Of Life

By Zoe Cannon

We are now celebrating in the Ordinary Time of our Liturgical Calendar in the Catholic Church.  We marched through the Advent and Christmas Season with so many joyful reasons to celebrate.  The meaning behind these feast days and events, which are part of our salvation history, are sometimes overlooked in the secular world.  Weeks 1-17 in Ordinary Time are a continuation of preparation, and a time for being attentive to the Word of God.  The days and weeks leading up to Lent are anything but ordinary, normal or routine.  In our world, every day is an important time for prayer. 


There is a 20-acre wildlife refuge at the foothills of our property in Morgantown, Ind.  When I walk around the site during any season of the year, there is beautiful nature to behold.  I took a picture of the wetlands; even void of green grasses and wildflowers, the scene is breathtaking.  A scripture passage came to mind as I studied the picture: “The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field.” – Matthew 13:44. The anticipation of new life hiding in the ground waiting for spring is indeed a treasure.


We may miss the hidden treasures in our lives by trying to find them in obvious beauty, or in material things created by man.  The “stuff” we purchase with money, hoping to buy happiness and peace, often leaves us empty.  In the eyes of the world, simplicity and a productive lifestyle are difficult to achieve together.  We try so hard, and we are so hard on ourselves, when we fail to meet our expectation of success.  Yet, in every line of scripture, God is sending us a clear message of where to find true happiness and peace. 


God’s Kingdom in heaven, and the kingdom of our earthly domain, was never intended to be a dichotomy.  They were created to build up the Kingdom of God together.  We need to find time in our lives for conversation with the Lord who created it all for us.  “Unless you realize the importance of prayer in your life, you will not find time to pray!”  These words are lived at St. Meinrad Archabbey, where the Rule of Saint Benedict is practiced by the monks, as a perfect example of simple life and the balance of time for prayer. Ora et labora – prayer and work!


God calls us all to be overseers of his amazing creation, and not just with the outdoor environment.  Our homes also should be a place of refuge, a place of prayer, while making time to help each family member find their hidden treasure.  Scripture also tells us that wherever your treasure lies, there you will find your heart! (Matthew 6:21)


During these weeks of Ordinary Time of the Church calendar – and cold days of winter –  it would be great to encourage everyone to learn more about the treasures revealed in The Catholic Liturgical Calendar.  It is a means to help us understand and remember God’s amazing plan of salvation, accomplished through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ.  There is so much to know about this calendar – the liturgical cycles, the seasons, the colors used for each season, and information that will enhance your understanding of all that we celebrate throughout the year.


While Christ laid down the essentials of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments, He left the development of details to His Church, to carry out this task under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  We are the Church, the Body of Christ, and as a member, we must be empowered with knowledge to find all the treasures God has in store for us.  There is a plethora of information out there just waiting to give you new life; enjoy searching for your hidden treasures.  God is with us!  Amen!