Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Evangelization Coordinator:

By Office Of Catechesis

Name, parish and role in parish: My name is Missy Parkison. I am a parishioner at St. Benedict Cathedral Parish and Evangelization Coordinator for Annunciation Parish in Evansville.

How was your faith formed? I was raised in the Methodist Church. I met my husband Paul in graduate school and attended Mass with him while we were dating. I completed the RCIA the year after we were married. My faith continued to be formed through our active participation in parish life, through living our vocation of marriage and through parenting our children. I completed a Master of Pastoral Theology at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in 2011. Of course, my faith continues to be formed every day. It’s wonderful how much you learn in trying to figure out how to best serve the faith formation needs of others!

Who or what has been a big influence in your life? Paul and I were introduced to Christian Family Movement by Paul and Jane Leingang when we joined St. Ben’s. The CFM small group faith sharing process has been critical in my development as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Having other families to talk with regularly strengthened our own family. The JustFaith program through St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Evansville, which we completed a couple of years ago, built upon our CFM formation by deepening our understanding of Catholic social teaching and introducing us to wonderful people we continue to meet with regularly.

What do you do in your role as a parish catechetical leader? The title of my position reflects an emphasis on the primary mission of the Church, evangelization. My job includes engaging new members in the life of the parish, supporting the work of our Vision Committees, assisting in sacramental preparation, and working with parishioners in developing faith formation programs and ways to reach out beyond our parish. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I am called to help others to know and love Him, and I am in a great position to do that every day at work!

Who do you consider to be positive role models today? Pope Francis is providing such strong teaching about how we are called to serve and how this service grows out of the love we receive from God. The JustFaith formation program includes learning about the work of Jean Vanier, founder of L'Arche, an international federation of communities for people with developmental disabilities and those who assist them. Vanier shines with love for the people of his community. His life honors each person as precious and demonstrates that it is through loving relationships that we share Christ with the world.

Describe a time when you have experienced God’s presence in your life? Recently, when helping someone in the midst of very serious difficulty, I felt at a loss. The problems were serious, and the resources we were accessing were not enough. However, in prayer I opened my heart enough that God was able to remind me that I and the person I was with were loved by God, held and cared for in ways that were not always obvious to us.

What are your dreams for parish faith formation today? I think we need to work on meeting people where they are. This includes using new forms of communication and language that engage people where they are on their journeys. We have to provide space for people to express what they need and what they don’t know, and then allow the Holy Spirit to work in that space to build relationships that open hearts and minds to learning and growing in faith.

How do you nurture your faith life? I read and study. I pray in different ways, and have settled into a habit of daily meditation. Spending time in silence every morning has helped me develop a prayer life that is intentionally aimed at my personal relationship with God. For me, getting words and actions out of the way allows for a more intimate connection. I can then go on with my day nestled in this awareness of God, and often with a better sense of how best to do what needs to be done next.

What makes being a Catholic so important to you? I am very grateful that I felt ready to become Catholic soon after Paul and I were married so that we have raised our family in the Catholic faith. Our faith grounds and guides us, and makes our lives happier. The rich tradition and encounter with the living Christ that I find in the Catholic Church provides a peace and joy that I wish for everyone.

What is your best wisdom on life? I‘ve been thinking a lot lately about the notion of wholeheartedness. We seem to have become very good at filling our lives to the point of feeling overwhelmed and always distracted. I think the way out of this chaotic way of living is to commit to your relationship with Jesus Christ. Setting aside time to work on that relationship will equip you to be wholehearted in your other relationships, including your relationship with yourself. If we truly did put our whole hearts – conformed to Jesus – into our lives moment by moment, what would that look and feel like?

What is a scripture quote that you would like to share? “Love never fails.” – 1 Corinthians 13:8