Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Resurrection Students

Resurrection School eighth grader Nick Harpenau climbs a rock wall on the high ropes course at Camp Ondessonk during an eighth grade class trip.


Resurrection eighth graders recently took their class trip to Camp Ondessonk in southern Illinois.

“The students had an incredible opportunity to camp for two days, hike through some incredible scenery, and experience the high and low ropes courses,” said Theresa Berendes, principal of the Evansville school.

“The students hiked on their first day at Camp Ondessonk. They even walked through the Narrows, which is a natural split in the rocks in the forest. They also experienced Packentuck, Illinois' highest free -alling waterfall, and Upper Packentuck.

“The evening was full of cooking dinner over the campfire, eating s’mores, a prayer service, a night hike and kettle popcorn.

“The next morning was filled with the students experiencing the high ropes course and the low ropes course, which involved a lot of team building. Even the rain in the afternoon didn't slow the kids down.

“They ended their day with a quiet bus ride home. Not too often you have over 40 students on a bus with almost total silence. They were exhausted from their experience.”