Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Around The Diocese For Sept. 4



Praying to St. Dymphna

“One of the most difficult situations to deal with in life is mental illness,” writes Father Eugene Schmitt in the bulletin for St. Peter Celestine Parish in Celestine and St. Raphael Parish in Dubois.

“Whether it is oneself or a loved one, it can be so frustrating for all involved because it can be so hard to cure, understand, and deal with.  When watching a loved one deal with anxiety of any kind, one can feel so helpless and hopeless.

“One of the great gifts of our Catholic faith is that we have a specific saint to pray to for every situation we face in life. St. Dymphna is the patron saint for those dealing with depression, being bipolar, obsessive compulsive disorder, or just being nervous and anxious at times.”

He offered this prayer to St. Dymphna:

Lord Jesus Christ, you have willed that St. Dymphna should be invoked by thousands of clients as the patroness of nervous and mental disease and have brought it about that her interest in these patients should be an inspiration to and ideal of charity throughout the world.

Grant that through the prayers of this youthful martyr of purity, those who suffer nervous or mental illness, everywhere on earth may be helped and consoled.  I recommend (name).

Be pleased to hear the prayers of St. Dymphna and your blessed Mother.  Give those I recommend the patience to bear with their affliction and resignation to do your Divine will. Give them the consolation they so need, especially the cure they so desire if it be your will through Christ our Lord.


Happy Birthday!

Jeanne Heltzel, principal at Washington Catholic Elementary School, Washington, celebrates her birthday Sept. 13.

Dan Gilbert, principal at St. Joseph School, Princeton, celebrates his birthday Sept. 15.


Staffing news at Westside Catholic

Tracey Unfried, principal at Westside Catholic School, offers an update on the Evansville school:

• Leanne Nunning is the new pre-kindergarten teacher;

• Kelsey Whitehead is the new teaching assistant in the third grade;

• Jamie Robb is the new part-time secretary;

• Terry Farmer has returned; she is now the full-time administrative assistant at the St. Agnes campus;

• Jason and Marie Allen are the new athletic directors;

• Mike Beard is a new part-time maintenace staff member at the St. Agnes Campus.


Anniversaries at St. James

Congratulations to couples at St. James Parish in Haubstadt who are celebrating September wedding anniversaries: Leo and Doris Barnes, 59 years; Chet and Earlean Bittner, 53 years; Edwin and Joann Lamey, 60 years; Lonnie and Marilyn Maidlow, 52 years; George and Joan David, 50 years; Paul and Judy Glaser, 53 years.


St. Anne’s officers

Officers of St. Anne’s at St. Peter Celestine Parish in Celestine and St. Raphael Parish in Dubois include Teresa Betz, president; Jamie Betz, treasurer; Michelle Messmann, secretary, and Laura Betz, Lacey Fischer, Kelly Hochgesang and Karen Pund, entertainment committee.


‘A big thanks’

Mark Potts, youth minister at St. John Parish in Loogootee, extends a “big thanks” to the students who participated in the recent trip to the national Shrine to Our Lady of the Snows. They include Jake Carrico, Aaron Dant, Collin Dant, Bailey Dearwester, Christopher Hager, Jonathan Hager, Conner Hedrick, Cora Hedrick, Jamison Hennette, Macy McAtee, Carson Rayhill, Jace Toy and John Wagoner.