Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Connie Baehl

The Baehl family includes Hunter, left, Halee, Randy, Connie (holding Bella) and Hayden.


Name, parish, role in parish: My name is Connie Baehl, and I am the Parish Catechetical Leader for Saint James Parish in Haubstadt.



How was your faith formed? I was raised in Haubstadt, in a big Catholic family of nine children. My family went to Mass every Sunday, as every cradle Catholic does. I attended Catholic grade school and high school – Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School and Reitz Memorial High School. My faith was formed at home and at school. Many of our social events were faith-based; therefore, growing up I was surrounded by the Catholic faith. My mother was the force and the biggest influence in my life. She was always there for me, even when she had a lot of other things to do. She instilled my faith by modeling it herself, and giving my siblings and me a Catholic education. She passed away 18 years ago; and to this day, she continues to help and pull me to my faith.



What do you do in your role as a parish catechetical leader? As a Catechetical Leader, I organize, prepare, plan and teach in the parish religious education program. I also prepare those who are receiving the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. I study religion with the middle school students during the week. With the recent linking of parishes, I am sure there are many exciting things to come. (Note – On July 1, St. James linked with Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Haubstadt and Holy Cross Parish in Fort Branch.)



Who do you consider to be positive role models today? I believe that in order to be a role model one does not have to be rich nor famous. It seems that people of that stature fall and do not live up to expectations people hold them up to. A positive role model is someone who lives a normal life but lives it in an extra ordinary way, making the best of what they have and trying to do the best they can for everyone’s greater good. I think good role models would be someone like grandparents who have been married 50 years and have kept their faith intact.



Describe a time when you have experienced God’s presence in your life. My experience of God’s presence is one that I will never forget as long as I live. It was timed perfectly because I was struggling with a Confirmation formation. I was in Mass, with the formation session to follow, when I felt the presence of God and knew that the Holy Spirit was with me. When Father held up the host, it was glowing and I knew it was the presence of the Lord. It took my breath away! I am convinced that was my sign from God. I believe that I am always in the presence of the Spirit, but sometimes I need a reminder.


What are your dreams for parish faith formation today? As I mentioned, Saint James has linked with Saints Peter and Paul and Holy Cross. With the strength and support of the three churches together, I believe that we can build a greater community of faith including developing more relationships and increasing faith life.



How do you nurture your faith life? I nurture my faith life by participating in and attending Mass. I practice the sacraments and adoration when possible. I have been attending a Catholic scripture study for the last 12 years, which has been very helpful in understanding the Bible.



What makes being a Catholic so important to you? I was born a cradle Catholic and have come to find that it is what I know and love. I am grateful for all of the sacraments that we have and can receive during our journey here on earth. Plus our God loves and forgives everyone.



What is your best wisdom of life? I believe that the best wisdom of life one can be given is, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”



What is a scripture quote that you would like to share? One of my favorite scripture quotes is, “For where two or three are gathered in my name there am I among them.” –Matthew 18:20


The diocesan office of catechesis coordinates the “People of Faith” column.