Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

'Pray And Talk To God About Everything….'

Carolyn Thorpe, second from left, stands with her husband Tom, left, and their entire family.

Name, Parish, Role in Parish: My name is Carolyn Thorpe from St. Bernard Parish in Rockport. I am the Parish Catechetical Leader and Music Director.

How was your faith formed? I was born and raised Catholic and have been a parishioner at St. Bernard all my life.  My mom was the first and foremost influence in my life.  She was a devout Catholic and taught us our prayers. We would pray the Rosary at night, kneeling around the bed in my parent’s bedroom. My mom and dad made sure we went to Mass every Sunday.  I was also greatly influenced by the wonderful Benedictine Sisters who taught me at St. Bernard School. It was Sister LaJeanne who suggested that I take choir in high school; and because of that and Father Ed’s invitation “to try it for two weeks” that I ended up as choir director at St. Bernard.  I found in planning music for the liturgies that I was learning more about my Faith, and it seemed the more I learned, the more I wanted to learn and be involved. Over the years, I participated in RENEW and other small groups.  Eventually, I attended my first Christ Renews His Parish weekend, which was my first retreat experience.  Although it took a little time for me to recognize God’s movement in my everyday life, I became more open to His Words.  He has seen me through every crisis I have experienced (some big and some small), but He is also beside me to share in the good times as well.  I think He loves to give us surprises!

What do you do in your role as a parish catechetical leader? I coordinate the Adult and Youth Faith Formation Programs.  At St. Bernard, that includes Sunday Religious Education for students attending public grade schools and middle schools, High School Religious Ed classes and Adult Faith Formation.  Our Adult Faith Formation has included several Bible Studies, retreats and missions.  I work with the children and their parents preparing for First Reconciliation and First Communion, and also help the Confirmation Catechists with preparation for that Sacrament.  I enjoy working with our Youth Group and am looking forward to attending the National Catholic Youth Conference with them again this year.  Additionally, I enjoy working with the parishioners of our cluster parish, St. Martin I, working with the St. Bernard School faculty and students, and coordinating our parish mission with them.

Who do you consider to be positive role models today? Pope Francis, of course!  But also, I would have to say, there are so many people that I work with every day who are positive role models.  I have been blessed to be able to work for three inspiring pastors – Fr.  Eugene Schmitt, Fr. Chris Forler, and Fr. Ron Kreilein.  Each of them has brought different gifts to our parish.  Additionally, there are many volunteers and parishioners here at St. Bernard that witness God’s Love to the community and their fellow parishioners! Through donations and through our youth group’s local mission work, we have helped so many people! Some of our adults continue to learn about their Catholic Faith through Scripture studies well into their 80’s and 90’s, thus showing others that you never stop learning about or searching for - God!  And, I cannot leave out Saint Therese of Lisieux.  She continues to be an inspiration to us all.

Describe a time when you have experienced God’s presence in your life. Opportunities to be present in front of Jesus – body, blood, soul and divinity – are gifts to me.  One First Friday in July, I was in Eucharistic Adoration, reading a Scripture passage from the Book of Ephesians.  I had used this prayer several times in various prayer groups, CRHP, and missions and had even printed it on holy cards and passed them out to students and adults alike.  However, in each of these other instances, my reason for using that piece of Scripture was to try to let other people know just how much Jesus Christ truly loves them.  I don't think I had ever really absorbed that truth into my own personal being.  On that particular Friday morning however, as I read St. Paul's words, it seemed as if he was speaking directly to me as he said, " comprehend... what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge."  It was as if God's arms enfolded me and I knew that He truly did love me!  Not just me as a member of the human race, but me personally.  He loves me, His daughter, Carolyn! I broke down and cried! What I found so providential about that moment was the fact that when I once again picked up the little prayer guide that I was using that day, I found out that I had turned to the wrong day, and was on the "wrong" page and therefore, had read the “wrong” Scripture passage!  God's timing is so different than our own; He knows just what we need and just when we need it!

What are your dreams for parish faith formation today? I hope and pray that we will be able to warm up the “lukewarm” Catholics and bring back those who have left the Church.  I pray that parents will become more and more involved in their children’s faith formation.  I hope that we can inspire people to put their faith and their love for God first, before everything else in their lives because if they do, everything else – family, career, sports, recreation, etc. – will be better for it and they will be more clearly on their way to heaven.  Through the grace of God, I hope that more of our parishioners will study the Scriptures and become more involved in our parish life.  We don’t know what we don’t know; and we don’t know how much the parish has to offer until we become involved in our parish.

How do you nurture your faith life? I really enjoy the daily devotional books that I read each morning.  God always seems to give me the words I need from Him when I need them the most.  The Bible Studies our parish has provided have been good for me. The more I learn about Scripture and our Catholic faith, the more I want to know, and we have built a “community” within our small group.  I like to go to Eucharistic Adoration and attend retreats whenever possible.  CRHP and Cursillo were fantastic!  I highly recommend them!  I also have a spiritual director with whom I meet on a regular basis and he helps me work through things in my life, and has helped me improve my prayer life.

What makes being Catholic so important to you? It is the Church that Christ founded.  It is the only Church that has the Real Presence of Him right there in the Sanctuary 24/7!  It is the best and truest way to heaven!

What is the best wisdom on life? Pray and talk to God about everything, even the little, seemingly unimportant things.  Share your wants and your joys with Him, but most of all, take some quiet time to listen to His answers.  He speaks to you often when you least expect it.

What is a Scripture quote that you would like to share? Ephesians 3:17-19: “and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” 

The Diocesan Office of Catechesis coordinates the “people of Faith” column.