Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Hispanic Christ Renews His Parish Retreat

By Pedro Mendez, Special To The Message
Pedro Mendez, coordinator of Hispanic faith formation for the Diocese of Evansville, kneeling at left in the front row, joins Bishop Charles C. Thompson for a photo with attendees during the Christ Renews His Parish Retreat. Submitted photo

The Office of Hispanic Ministry organized a Women’s Christ Renews His Parish Retreat in Spanish, which was held on Feb. 6-7 at Sarto Retreat Center in Evansville. The retreat was facilitated by a CRHP team from the Diocese of Owensboro, Ky. We are very grateful to all the team members for sharing their faith through their prayers, testimonies, hard work and generous service.   

Thirty-nine Latino women attended the retreat from the following parishes: Nativity (Evansville), Saint Mary’s (Huntingburg), Saint Francis of Assisi (Dale), Our Lady of Hope (Washington) and Saint Joseph (Jasper).  Bishop Charles Thompson addressed the attendees during the retreat and shared a meal with them. Sharon Burns, Diocesan Director of Hispanic Ministry, addressed the attendees’ families at the closing of the retreat.

Attendees are now organized in five parochial CRHP groups. With God’s grace and an intentional process, they will meet weekly to continue to deepen their relationship with God, to have a more active parish life and to grow, fraternally, as sisters in Jesus Christ.

Mendez is Coordinator of Hispanic Faith Formation for the Diocese of Evansville.