Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

A Lifetime Journey

By Sister Bridget Arnold, O.S.F
Sister Bridget Arnold

Lent is a time to come away, to repent, to pray, to give alms and to turn our lives toward God, who loves us beyond our greatest imagination.  Forty days doesn’t seem like a lot of time to accomplish all of this, so it becomes a life journey that is more focused during these 40 days.

Our life is the journey, and along the way we must learn to pray. In prayer we will find that God is always present in our thoughts and often in our voice.  To be conscious of this presence of God, this closeness of our creator is what St Francis felt as he often spoke to God and recognized him in all of creation.  Even in his suffering he spoke of Sister Death as one who would take him to his beloved.

God calls us daily to accept salvation, to know and experience the love and mercy of God. Take time to be still and know God’s deep forgiving love for you and all his creatures.

God seeks the lost, those who have forgotten His love, those who refuse to show mercy and forgiveness to others.

Those who have a personal relationship with God know this life-giving mercy. They bring God’s mercy and forgiveness to all their brothers and sisters, children of God. They find themselves thinking more of other’s needs than their own. They are willing to share alms and their time to help others.

Now, during Lent we put more effort toward building a relationship with God who is with us sharing love, forgiveness and mercy.  We know the journey is ours to make and together we will find life.