Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Easter Message 2016

By Bishop Charles C. Thompson
The Risen Christ is depicted in the painting "Resurrection" by 15th-century Italian master Andrea Mantegna. CNS photo courtesy of Bridgeman Images

Easter Message





Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,


            Though much violence, poverty, and injustice continue to plague our world, we have cause to rejoice in celebration of the pivotal event of the Christian mystery of faith; namely, the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Through His passion, death and resurrection, the Risen Lord has won for us the ultimate victory over sin and death.  Just as the cross must give way to the empty tomb, so the effects of violence, poverty and injustice have only temporal effect on those who trust in Jesus Christ as the means of our salvation.  Even now, we can realize the power of divine mercy and love over the hatred and indifference that underlies all indignities toward any member of humanity.


            In this special Jubilee Year of Mercy, we are reminded of both the blessing of God’s mercy in our lives and the calling to act in mercy toward others.  The discovery of the empty tomb leads to the realization that the hearts of believers have been filled with abundant grace to live in witness to the Joy of the Gospel.  Authentic belief in the Risen Jesus Christ necessarily marks our four-fold relationship with God, others, self and all creation, as Pope Francis reminds us in his Encyclical Letter, Laudato Si’ (“On Care for our Common Home”).  There is no aspect of our lives, relationships, culture, society or creation that exists beyond the transformative power of God’s presence and mercy. 


            In the name of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, let us continue seeking to heal wounds and warm hearts with the Good News of Salvation through Proclamation of the Word, Celebration of the Sacraments and Outreach of Service.  May we dare to believe.  May we dare to live as we believe.  Alleluia, Alleluia, salvation is at hand.


                                                                        Blessed Easter! 

                                                                        Bishop Charles C. Thompson