Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Scouts Enjoy Retreat At Catholic Center

Deacon Charlie Koressel, left, presents Bishop Charles C. Thompson with the Bronze Pelican Award.

The Diocese of Evansville’s Catholic Center hosted the 2016 Boy Scout/Venturing Retreat, which is sponsored by the Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting. Deacon Charlie Koressel, Scout Chaplain for the Diocese, and DCCS Chairman Bill Noll led the March 4-6 event. 

There were 104 scouts, venturers, and adults representing 13 troops or venture crews from across the diocese present for a variety of activities. The theme, following the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis, was “Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy” (Matt 5:7).  

Father Pascal Nduka, associate pastor of Evansville Annunciation Parish, and Diocese of Evansville Seminarians Deacon Ambrose Wanyonyi, Deacon Tyler Tenbarge and Luke Hassler gave presentations on the theme. Each talk was followed by small group discussions led by members of the Order of St. Dominic Savio – older scouts who have earned emblems for further study of their faith. 

Liturgy and prayers included Mass on Saturday morning celebrated by Father Nduka, the Angelus, Liturgy of the Hours, Stations of the Eucharist, and a number of religious songs accompanied by musician members of the Order of St. Dominic Savio – assisted by Diocese of Evansville Seminarian Ben Dahlquist. 

Perhaps the most inspirational part of the weekend was the candlelight procession of the Eucharist led by Deacon Koressel and followed by Reconciliation during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, which concluded with Benediction. Confessors included Father Ken Betts, senior associate pastor of St. Jams Parish in Haubstadt; Father Zach Etienne, pastor of Good Shepherd and St. Theresa parishes in Evansville; and Father Gordon Mann, pastor of Sts. Mary and John Parish in Evansville. 

Members of St. Dominic Savio also helped by making of a set of 10 prayer beads called Sacrifice Beads after St. Therese of Lisieux; and leading relay games illustrating feeding the hungry (egg/spoon relay), helping others (carrying relay), counseling the doubtful (blind walk) and building the Kingdom of God with others (building a tower). A blessing of good weather made it possible to hold several of these activities outside. 

While the youth were busy with these activities, talks, and discussions, some adults – especially new leaders in Catholic scouting – attended a course on understanding Scouting as youth ministry. 

Bishop Charles C. Thompson celebrated the retreat’s closing Mass. In an awards ceremony after the Mass, the Bishop was pleasantly surprised with the Bronze Pelican – an award given to those who have been active in supporting Catholic scouting. Also receiving this emblem was Catherine Egler of St. Mary Parish in Ireland, who has been active in Cub Scouting.

Receiving a national emblem, the St. George Medal, for sustained work in scouting as youth ministry were Dan and Michele Donovan of St. Philip Parish in Posey County.  Bishop Thompson also recognized and awarded the sash to eight new members of the Order of St. Dominic Savio – Daniel Payne (St. Benedict Cathedral Parish in Evansville), Andrew Simutis (St. Matthew Parish in Mount Vernon), Dalton Murphy (Resurrection Parish in Evansville), Jonah Kunkler (Resurrection Parish), Camden Flagg (St. Benedict Cathedral Parish), and Luke, Joshua, and Joel Ginter (Holy Family Parish in Jasper).