Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

SOURCE And SUMMIT 2017 Is March 17-19

Father Kevin McGoldrick

"Do You Love Me?"

Many teens ask that question of God while facing the challenges of this trying time of their lives.  It is also a question that God asks them … but most do not hear.  SOURCE SUMMIT 2017 will give young people the opportunity to have this life-giving question answered and truly begin to live! Reitz Memorial High School is hosting the retreat March 17-19.

A retreat with a line-up like this year’s would normally cost young people from the Diocese of Evansville more than $300 to attend, and they would have to travel quite a distance to experience this.  But, by the grace of God and the generosity of donors, several exceptional modern-day prophets are following the promptings of the Holy Spirit and coming to SOURCE SUMMIT in ways that enable the organizing team to keep costs down to only $45 per person.  Fee scholarships are also available for those in need.

Presenters include:

Chris Padgett – Padgett is a speaker, musician, and author who has traveled the country for more than a decade communicating Christ’s love and forgiveness. Using music and message, Padgett conveys the importance of who Jesus is, and what he has done, is doing, and will do in the lives of his people. His website is


Leah Darrow – As a New York City model on the TV series “America’s Next Top Model,” Darrow had it all.  But deep inside she knew she was missing the one thing that could satisfy her: the Father’s love. Darrow will share her powerful witness of discovering real truth, beauty and love. Her website is


Father Kevin McGoldrick – As a priest and Chaplain at Aquinas College in Nashville, Father McGoldrick thought that he would be leaving his secular music career behind.  God, however, had other plans. Father McGoldrick released his first album, “Square Peg Round Hole,” in 2015.  He is effectively reaching out into our culture going with his music where his sermons cannot. His website is


Father Agustino Torres - Back by popular demand, Father Torres will lead SOURCE SUMMIT attendees into an ever-deeper relationship with Jesus through the testimony of his radical Catholic lifestyle and one-on one-counseling.  His personal approach has literally saved the lives of many youth!


Nic Davidson – Since joining the Catholic Church in 2008, Davidson has been working as a Catholic youth minister, missionary, speaker and author.  He and his wife, Jacelyn, adopted 3 siblings from Dominica. Many have called Davidson one of the most impacting Catholic speakers they have ever heard. His website is

Darrow, Padgett and Father Torres also will lead an adult retreat on March 18 at Annunciation Parish’s Christ the King Campus in Evansville. Cost is $25 per person.

Priests deacons and sisters serving in the Diocese of Evansville also will participate in SOURCE SUMMIT 2017. For more information, visit the retreat’s website at