Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Catholic Medical Association Guild Schedules Retreat


The Southwest Indiana Guild of the Catholic Medical Association is sponsoring a retreat from 7:30 p.m. CT on March 9 until 1:30 p.m. CT on March 10 at the Saint Meinrad Archabbey Guest House and Retreat Center, 200 Hill Drive in St. Meinrad. The retreat is “Medicine and Spirituality: Delivering Difficult News.”

Benedictine Brother Zachary Wilberding, MSN, a monk of Saint Meinrad and a registered nurse, will lead the retreat. Brother Zachery will encourage retreatants to consider the medical and spiritual ramifications – for the patient and family, and for the medical practitioner – of delivering difficult news.

Physicians, nurses, psychologists, chaplains, therapists, pharmacists, medical students and other interested healthcare personnel and their spouses (nursing babies included) are encouraged to attend.  This retreat will make use of personal and group time to explore crucial issues in medical communication:

  • Delivering difficult news—speaking the unspeakable
  • Considering the question of “Who” is to blame—doctor, patient, God?
  • Recognizing the vulnerability and value of the professional during these encounters


Accommodations at the Saint Meinrad Guest House and Retreat Center are $75 per person or $95 for two persons in a room, plus applicable taxes. Breakfast and lunch on Saturday will be available a flat rate of $8 per person, per meal. There are no other fees to attend this retreat, but donations will be accepted.

CMA membership is not mandatory for participation in this retreat, but preference at registration will be given to CMA members.

Overnight Accommodations: Contact Saint Meinrad directly 800-730-9910/812-357-6611, or email

Registration: There is no separate fee for the retreat, but you do need to contact Dr. Peter Rosario, the president of the SW Indiana Guild of the Catholic Medical Association, to get retreat information and to register. Email Dr. Rosario at, or call 812-598-7080.