Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Easter Message From Bishop Joseph M. Siegel

Bishop Joseph M. Siegel

 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“Peace be with you” was Jesus’ greeting to his apostles that first Easter evening. Coming into their midst in the Upper Room, the Risen Lord reassured his frightened and grief-stricken friends that he was truly alive, and he breathed on them the new life of the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ gift of peace would sustain these men through the struggles, persecutions and even martyrdom that awaited them as they set out to tell the whole world the Good News of our salvation in Jesus’ death and resurrection.   

The peace of the Risen Christ was bestowed on us at our baptism. It is this gift of the Lord Jesus, breathed into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, which enables us to face the crosses and difficulties that are part of our life. The peace and joy of Easter is meant to fill our hearts each day, and give us hope and confidence that we are never alone. As with the disciples on the road to Emmaus, the Risen Lord is always walking beside us to enlighten our minds with His truth and to set our hearts on fire with His love. May we have the eyes of faith to recognize His presence, especially in the breaking of the bread in the Holy Eucharist. 

I have been looking forward to celebrating my first Holy Week and Easter with you as your Bishop. Be assured that you will be remembered in my Masses and prayers over these most holy days. On behalf of Bishop Gettelfinger and the entire Diocesan staff, I wish you and your loved ones a blessed and grace-filled Easter. 

Sincerely yours in the Risen Christ, 

Bishop Joseph M. Siegel