Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Around The Diocese For April 27, 2018


Happy birthday!

John Browning, president at Reitz Memorial High School in Evansville, celebrates his birthday on May 5.

Deacon James King, deacon at St. Ferdinand Parish in Ferdinand, celebrates his birthday on May 8.

Father William Traylor, associate pastor at St. Joseph Parish in Jasper, celebrates his birthday on May 2.

Father Theodore Temple, retired priest of the Diocese of Evansville, celebrates his birthday on May 3.


Happy anniversary!

Father Biju Thomas, administrator of Holy Name Parish in Bloomfield and St. Peter Parish in Linton, was ordained to the priesthood on May 3, 2000.

Father Ron Zgunda, retired priest of the Diocese of Evansville, was ordained to the priesthood on May 6, 1977.

Bishop Gerald A. Gettelfinger, fourth bishop of the Diocese of Evansville, was ordained to the priesthood on May 7,1961.


Plant a Wildflower Sanctuary


Tri-State Creation Care invites readers to convert yards into a Wildflower Sanctuary.  These sanctuaries are small plots of indigenous wildflowers that provide a habitat for birds, pollinators and small wildlife.  It is simple to do and requires little maintenance; seeds and classes provided.  Class times and locations are:   6:30 pm on April 30 at All Saints Church (formerly St. Anthony Church); 6:30 pm on May 3 at Evansville Central Library, Browning Rm A and 6:30 pm on May 8 at the Hub Coffee House, 2025 W. Franklin St., Evansville.  Sign up by emailing


Picnic with the Bishop


Attention young people!  Join others for a relaxing evening with Bishop Siegel at 4:00 pm CDT on May 31, 2018. at St. John Parish, Daylight.  Anyone in high school or older is welcome to attend. Attendees will celebrate Mass and hear presentations by priests, religious brothers and sisters and lay church ministers, followed by supper and some time to have fun.  If interested, contact your parish office or email or call Marilyn at 812-424-5536 to make reservations.