Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

People Of Faith



Maurice Coates Jr., a member of St. Mary Church in downtown Evansville, is 65 and the owner of a small business.  He has a lot to say about his faith and his savior Jesus Christ.


Who or what has had the biggest impact on your life?    My great-grandmother.  She introduced me to the Lord at an early age.   I was raised a Baptist, converted in 1970 to Catholicism.


Who do you consider to be the best role models today?  


The Catholic priests; they live their faith daily. I would say my mentor also. 

God blessed me and put him in my life about six years ago.  He knows the Lord and he lives by his words.  He has taught me to do the same.



Describe how your faith helped you through a difficult time in your life? 


I went through a divorce and was put in a place that caused me to pass by St Mary every morning and every evening.  I would for some reason or another walk on the opposite side of the street.  I would stop and look at the main altar from there.  Not sure how long it took me to cross the street.  Thank God I did.  I have been at St Mary ever since 1970.


Do you have any hobbies? 


I don’t really have a hobby. I do try to spend as much times as I can reading God’s holy words in the Bible and a great series of books called a “Conversation with God Daily.” I do like working in flowers and plants at home, watching nature, birds,  etc.

I have wanted to start swimming again, just cannot find the time.  These economic times have caused me many long nights and days. 


How do you stay active?   Working 10-12 hours a day; that is no problem.


What do you like most about being Catholic? 


There is no other way to love the Lord.  He started the Catholic Church.  It is written in his Word, the Bible.  He gave authority to Peter, the first Pope.  Constantine was a convert.  Catholics  gave us the Bible. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth, the Word, the Way and the Life.  John 14: 6

Of those things that are possible to change in the Catholic Church, what would you change?


The way we do not evangelize out faith to others.  The Catholic Church does not address misconceptions about our faith.  Change the way many Catholics do not vocalize support of the Catholic faith.  I know we are to lead by example.  But other churches put us down on a regular basis.  We should put the facts out about the Catholic Church.


If you could make one change in your community, what would it be?


Good question. 


Any regrets in life?    No.  Would not change a thing with the exception of the knowledge of and praise for my Lord, something I wish  would have been started sooner in my life.  The only thing that is important in life: Love the Lord.


I know that is not what most people would say.  My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has been good to me.  I have been truly blessed.


Looking back, I know he has walked with me and blessed me. 

I have never been hungry, homeless, without clothes ever.  Never been unloved.  When times have been rough and I have known bad times, they have never been so rough or unkind that I did not believe in my heart that God would see me through.  Psalm 23: 1-6.  There are no truer words on earth.


Tell us a few more things about yourself. 


I love the Lord, because he first loved me  Here is where I get in trouble.  I cannot wait to get out of here.  My Father and Lord and savior Jesus Christ  said he was going to prepare a place for me, for in his Father’s House there are many dwelling places. John 14:1-4  He would not have said so if it were not true. There is only love, peace and joy there.  Why would I want to remain here when I know what my Lord has ready for me because he loves me and I love Him.  He cannot lie.  Our Lord is the Word, the Truth, and the Light.


What do you do in your spiritual life that you would recommend to others?

Fall crazy, madly in love with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.


What is your best wisdom on life?

To do the only thing Jesus Christ asked us to do. Love God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength and love your neighbor.  He said to do this..