Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

2013 Fortnight For Freedom Begins June 20 In Diocese



This is the second year for the "Fortnight for Freedom," a time for Catholics to recognize and celebrate the gift of freedom, and in the Diocese of Evansville the Fortnight begins June 20 with a Mass at St. Benedict Cathedral in Evansville.

"In December 2012, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops publicly announced the promotion of a Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty," according to Bishop Charles C. Thompson.

"The Call to Prayer, coinciding with the Year of Faith, has been described as essentially being a pastoral strategy encouraging all of us to pray and sacrifice for the intention of life, marriage and religious liberty. The Call to Prayer includes encouragement that we consider attending a monthly holy hour, praying a daily rosary, taking on some sort of fast or abstaining from meat on Friday and participating in the 2013 Fortnight for Freedom."

This year, the national Fortnight for Freedom will be observed from June 21 through July 4. In this diocese "we will inaugurate this special time of prayer and focus on Thursday evening, June 20, with a 6 p.m. CDT Mass at St. Benedict Cathedral. All are welcome and encouraged to participate."

In addition to the diocesan Mass on June 20, "parishes are encouraged to plan and celebrate this special time by means of prayer, liturgy, catechesis and activities throughout the Fortnight." Bishop Thompson has encouraged each parish to "include some type of closing prayer and focus in its Independence Day Mass on July 4."

Bishop Thompson encourages everyone to "fervently pray and work toward a greater respect for the sacredness of life, the dignity of marriage and family, and the constitutional right of religious freedom," adding "with Jesus Christ as our Cornerstone, all things are possible."

This year’s Fortnight for Freedom is especially significant, according to the USCCB, because the HHS Mandate is scheduled to take effect Aug. 1. With this in mind, the USCCB is asking all Catholics to:

• Pray for the protection of religious liberty and increased respect for the role of faith in public life.

• Educate themselves and others by using the many resources found at ""

• Support and attend parish and diocesan Fortnight for Freedom events.

• Encourage legislators to support H.R. 940, the Health Care Conscience Rights Act.

 “America is at its best when religion has a place at the table,” states the USCCB in its Fortnight news release. “Faith inspires people to serve their neighbors. It brings people together. It enriches conversation on important public issues. It centers the lives of countless Americans. Religious liberty protects this central role faith plays in our public life.”