Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Holy Family's DI Team Places Seventh In Global Finals



The Destination ImagiNation team from Holy Family School in Jasper has placed seventh in global competition. Team members include Gillian Blessinger, Hannah Welp, Nathan Freyberger, Kylie Krempp, Avery Bell, Katey Bell and Libby Bell.

The team placed first at both regional and state competitions. That earned the members the chance to represent their state at the Destination ImagiNation global finals which were held at the University of Tennessee campus in Knoxville, Tenn.

At that competition, the Holy Family team competed against 78 teams from around the world. They were asked to create a five-minute improvisational skit about life after a dramatic change and to show how their characters adapted to this change.

The team earned top points for creativity and teamwork. The judges’ comments included, "Loved the positive attitude," and "Awesome performance!"

The Holy Family team is managed by Holy Family School teacher Abby Buse and parent Shelly Bell.

Destination ImagiNation is an international program for grades kindergarten through twelve as well as college students which teaches life skills and expands imaginations through team-based creative problem-solving.

Destination ImagiNation emphasizes creativity, teamwork and research skills, with the added art of improvisation.