Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Source And Summit Retreats Are March 14-16

By Tim Lilley The Message Editor
Eucharistic adoration is a major element of every Soutce and Summit Retreat.

Source Summit Co-Director Gail Shetler doesn’t mince words when she talks about God’s plans for those who are part of these Eucharistic-centered retreats. “Those who attend,” she said, “are being prepared for something foundational in our diocese.”

Her tone was matter-of-fact, rooted in what she has seen firsthand since Bishop Emeritus Gerald A. Gettelfinger founded Source Summit several years ago – and what she saw for several previous years in the S S predecessor, Youth 2000. “Those who attend experience an intimate encounter with Christ,” Shetler added, “Who comes to them in the presence of the Eucharist.”

Perpetual exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (except during Mass) is a fundamental element of Source Summit retreats. The 2014 editions are set for March 14-16 at Reitz Memorial High School for youth and young adults (ages 13-24), and March 15 at St. Benedict Cathedral’s Woodward Center for their parents and any interested adult ages 24 and older.

Please note that chaperones must register and accompany those under 18 who wish to attend the retreat for youth and young adults.

The young people and their adult counterparts will share presenters that include internationally known evangelist Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries. As Director of Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in the Archdiocese of Detroit, he was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as one of five experts from the U.S. to participate in the synod on the New Evangelization, and as a Consulter to the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization. He has been used as an instrument of God to lead thousands to a personal relationship with Jesus and a deep encounter with the Holy Spirit.

Other presenters include Father Dusty Burns, pastor of St. Philip Parish in Mount Vernon; Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (CFR) Father Augustino Torres,  Father Terry Messer and Father Joseph Mary; Fr. Zachary of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT); and Sister Jane Dominic Laurel, OP, of the St. Cecilia Congregation of Dominican Sisters in Nashville, Tenn.

Father Augustino is a co-founder of the Catholic Underground, and serves as Director of Evangelization for his order. Sister Jane Dominic is Assistant Professor of Theology at Aquinas College in Nashville, and has been a contributor to major Catholic media outlets, including L’Osservator Romano focusing on strengthening the family and Theology of the Body. Father Joseph Mary led a late-summer Source Summit retreat for young people at the diocese’s Sarto Retreat Center.

“I believe God is offering us extraordinary graces for this Source Summit Retreat,” Shetler said. “Something very special and very holy happens during these retreats. I’ve seen it time and time again over the years. More than 4,000 participants have attended these retreats over the past 13 years. ”

She went on to mention the volunteers, who continue to work diligently on the retreats year after year. “There are more than 125 volunteers who show up every year to make the retreats successful,” she said. “They are such a tremendous asset, and I believe they illustrate the powerful nature of Source Summit because they come back year after year.”

As background for this story, Shetler provided a copy of the original guidelines developed for Source Summit when Bishop Emeritus Gettelfinger founded the retreats. Among the most interesting information is the section that outlines the elements that must be present at a Source Summit Retreat:

* As noted earlier, perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament except for daily Mass, and that daily Mass is a requirement. The guidelines further note that the custom of Source Summit is that Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament take place in the midst of the young people, gathered in a circle around the Eucharist.

* Proper reverence to the Eucharist is to be clearly explained, taught and encouraged.

* Ample opportunity must be provided for those attending to go to confession.

* Every Source Summit retreat must begin with at least five decades of the rosary, with daily recitation of the rosary.

* An image or statue of the Virgin Mary, patroness of the Diocese of Evansville, must be honored by an act like a crowning and procession, or a litany, during the retreat.

Clearly, Source Summit offers the chance for the kind of personal encounter with Jesus that Pope Francis has often suggested must be the starting point for evangelization.

For more information on the 2014 Source Summit retreats, or to register, please visit