Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Around The Diocese For June 13



Saying good-bye

In a letter to parishioners  at St. Theresa Parish in Evansville, Deacon Dave Seibert writes, “I am not retiring. I am simply being reassigned as PLC [pastoral life coordinator] to another parish. I am not leaving immediately. My assignment to St. Boniface does not begin until July 1. So, like it or not, I will be around St. Theresa until the end of June.

“Melanie and I have really enjoyed our time at St. Theresa, probably as much as any parish we have had. If things could have continued unchanged we would have been content to remain here indefinitely. On the other hand we all know that the Strategic Planning Process was moving forward and that some sort of change would occur. Perhaps the only surprise is how quickly it is occurring.”

He encouraged parishioners to “pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide this process. Pray that everyone has the wisdom to make good decisions, the openness to new ways of doing things, the courage to embrace this change and the strength to complete the task ahead.”


Happy Birthday!

   Deacon Richard Preske celebrates his birthday June 24.


Anniversary of ordination

Father Stephen Lintzenich was ordained to the priesthood June 22, 1974. He is a retired priest in the Diocese of Evansville.


Commission representative

Commission representatives at St. Joseph Parish in Jasper include Bob Herzog, education, Karla Eckstein, social concerns, Father William Traylor, liturgy, Dan Fritch, finance, and Carley Knapp, youth.


Thanking the K of C

“We are fortunate to be the recipients of the good works that the local K of C chapter does for our community and parish,” writes Father Kenneth Walker, pastor of the four Martin County parishes.

“I would like to thank the K of C for donating over $500 for the white server albs that we use at Mass.

“I know that the Holy Eucharisit is at the heart of the good works that the K of C accomplishes. The K of C fosters vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.

“Having our youth serving at the altar is a wonderful way to encourage vocations, and we appreciate the K of C making this contribution to us.”


Happy Birthday!

Hallie Denstorff, principal at St. Wendel School, St. Wendel, celebrates her birthday June 18.

Lori Wissel, principal at Flaget Elementary School, Vincennes, celebrates her birthday June 23.


Saying good-bye

“We want to say goodbye to Ms. Mary, our teaching assistant, and Ms. Cynthia, our cafeteria worker, as they retire,” according to Jeanne Heltzel, principal at Washington Catholic Elementary School in Washington.

“We wish them the best!”



The following students at Mater Dei High School in Evansville have received Kiwanis awards:

• Will LaRue, boys basketball;

• Maura Muensterman, girls basketball;

• Allison Montgomery, girls swimming;

• Kyle Haas, boys swimming.


Parish Pastoral Council

Father Jim Koressel writes, “The new Parish Pastoral Council of St. Peter Parish is about to begin its work.”

The new officers include Chairman Mike Fuhs, Vice Chairman Pat Riney, Secretary Anita Ash.

The at-large members were assigned the number of years their current term will last. One-year terms will be served by Adrian O’Connor and Jennifer Steiner. Two-year terms will be served by Pat Riney and Anita Ash. Three-year terms will be served by Mike Fuhs, Greg Fish and Kevin Hart.

Trevor Steiner, youth representative, will serve a one year term.

The chairpersons of the four commissions will serve three year terms: Faith Formation/Education – Donna Bradley, Finance/Administration – Mike Healy, Spiritual Life/Worship – Joe Kirsch and Social Mission/Outreach – John Taylor.

The Executive Committee of the council consists of Father Koressel, Mike Fuhs, Pat Riney and Anita Ash.