Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Kathryn Lynn Curtis

By Diocesan Office Of Catechesis


Name, Parish, Role in Parish:


Kathryn Lynn Curtis, Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Parish Catechetical Leader.


How was your faith formed?


Growing up, my faith was formed through symbols and rituals. The Sisters at my school helped me to create bonds leading me to believe in the goodness of Jesus. A Cursillo weekend when I was in my 20s changed the direction of my life and eventually led me to a ministry in the Church. It was on that weekend that I began to understand and to form a personal relationship with Jesus. A personal relationship with our God enables us to enter into a truly joyful life. 


Who or what has been a big influence in your life?


Father Jim Blessinger has had a big impact on my life. He has been my boss and pastor for the past 17 years. He has weathered many storms with me, and shown a care and gentleness that comes from his trust and belief in a loving Jesus. He has been a shepherd who guides me to the table of Christ. A few weeks ago Fr. Jim shared with the parish that he will be retiring in January. He may not be at Corpus Christi Parish every day, but he will always be a friend and mentor that I cherish and have felt very blessed to have been with all these years. As the kids would say, “You rock, Father Jim!”  


What do you do in your role as a parish catechetical leader?


In my role as a parish catechetical leader, my goal is to envision strategic and systematic programs and activities that will create opportunities for my parish family to enhance their connection, understanding and relationship with Christ and their Church. I do this daily through many roles. So, on any given day I am an organizer, recruiter, faith leader, marketing guru, social media geek, crafter, catechist, role model, researcher, librarian, computer tech, motivator and a Crusader. It is my hope to accomplish everything as a humble servant of Christ.


Who do you consider to be positive role models today?


When I was younger and was asked about role models, I found my eyes searching up and outward, many times seeking them in the TV tube. These days I only need to look around at the many children of our parish. I have 40 kids who come to hang out every Wednesday to make mission rosaries. They call themselves Crusaders for Christ. They meet after school; so many times it is loud and gives the appearance of mayhem. However, in the haze of activity they are always sharing gems of wisdom and their willingness to help each other, and fulfill all the requests we are given. They are awesome role models for me. They let me know that the fire of Christ’s love is alive in them and in our parish family.






Describe a time when you have experienced God’s presence in your life?


When I was 27 I was working on a wagon train, a program for troubled youth. On my first night all I felt was the absence of God. The youth had closed themselves off from all good. I and another Christian offered many prayers and many more intentions for other Christian souls to join us. Our prayers were answered and as the staff changed so did the hearts of the youth. As the year progressed I remember the day some youth arranged their duffel bags in the shape of an angel. It was their gift to me on All Saints Day. It is a memory that strengthens me even today.


What are your dreams for parish faith formation today?


As a Catechetical Leader it is my hope for everyone to be on the path to becoming an intentional disciple, building a relationship with Jesus and embracing the good news, a map to joyful living.  Saint Pope John Paul II wrote, “the ‘good news’ is directed to stirring a person to a conversion of heart and life and a clinging to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; to disposing a person to receive Baptism and the Eucharist and to strengthen a person in the prospect and realization of new life according to the Spirit.”  


How do you nurture your faith life?


I nurture my faith life by allowing myself the time to cultivate my relationship with God. When I begin to feel out of balance, a quick assessment usually ends in realizing that I have let “busyness” get the better of me and have slighted my time with Christ. I foster my relationship with Jesus through prayer practices that have been a part of our Catholic tradition for centuries, and also through new avenues that have opened up through social media; an example is the daily tweets of Pope Francis, which provide insight and understanding about our Catholic tradition. 


What makes being a Catholic so important to you?


Recently, Pope Francis tweeted a response that resonates with me, “The spiritual power of the Sacraments is boundless. With grace we can overcome every obstacle.”


What is your best wisdom on life?


Do not play golf in a lightning storm; change your socks twice daily and remember God is in all things. 


What is a scripture quote that you would like to share?


Our blessed Mother gave us the best words to live by.

John 2:5 – His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.”