Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Catechetical Sunday Is Sept. 20

By Kathy Gallo Diocesan Director Office Of Catechesis

Catechists seek to be faithful followers of Jesus as teacher. Jesus exemplified two models of leadership that speak to the heart of what a catechetical leader is -- and to the heart of the catechist. They are the models of servant leadership and transformational leadership.

Servant leadership is attentive to the needs of others, responding to those needs with reverence and respect. Jesus met people as they were in their unique situations. He always served them by helping them probe deeper into the significance and meaning of their lives. Like Jesus, a catechist listens attentively to the life situations of learners in order to assist them with the integration of faith and life. The heart of a catechist is revealed in service.

A transformational leader works for change, in things, people and events. Jesus, as a transformational leader, held out the vision of God’s reign and called listeners to a conversion of heart. By entering people’s lives He was able to show them ways of living in faith. We can see how He safeguarded and respected people’s dignity through His relationship with them.

A catechist follows Jesus’ leadership by example, word and the recognition that each person is made in the image and likeness of God, the basis of each person’s dignity. The aim of catechesis, echoed through the General Directory for Catechesis, is conversion to Jesus Christ, through a relationship with Him. As catechists help learners to see the presence of God in the stuff of their everyday lives, they call them to be in relationship with Him and to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. The catechist shares Jesus’ vision of God’s reign on earth and works toward that vision. As catechists work, so do catechists live — transforming themselves into the likeness of Christ.

This is the heart of a catechist as a leader, following the example given by Jesus — to serve the learners and to assist with their ongoing conversion into the likeness of Jesus.

The heart of a catechist . . .

• Listens to the heart of the learner;

• Is receptive to God’s graces;

• Beats for the good of all people;

• Rejoices in faith understanding;

• Amazes at God’s grandeur;

• Believes passionately;

• Echoes the call of the Gospel;

• Serves with generosity;

• Safeguards the dignity of every human person.

What else do the hearts of the catechists do at your parish?