Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Christmas Greeting From Bishop Charles C. Thompson

By Bishop Chartles C. Thompson

Dear Friends in Christ:


            On behalf of Bishop-emeritus Gerald A. Gettelfinger and myself, I take this opportunity to wish you a Blessed Christmas and Grace-filled New Year.  I hope that the Christmas Season affords you the opportunity to gather with family and friends in a spirit of gratitude, joy and peace. 


            While remembering loved ones at this special time of year, of course, we must also keep in mind those who are less fortunate than ourselves.  We especially need to keep in mind the poor, homeless, lonely, refugee, unemployed, imprisoned, sick and dying.  As Pope Francis has repeatedly reminded us, we must not lose sight of those on the margins of society.  The spirit of Christmas is realized far more in the giving than in the receiving of gifts, and there is no greater gift than that of oneself—time, talent and treasure—to others. 


            Amid all the chaos, violence and selfishness in our world—locally, nationally and internationally—we have reason to hope.  The celebration of Christmas, God becoming one like us in all things but sin in the person of Jesus Christ, marks the beginning of salvation history.  Having just embarked on the Jubilee of Mercy, we are reminded of the divine motivation that sparked and continues the grace of salvation; namely, God’s unquenchable mercy and unconditional love for us.  In turn, we must seek to provide credible witness of such mercy and love to the world. 


            Just as the Magi brought their precious gifts to Jesus, so we do well to bring forth gifts as well.  More precious than gold, frankincense and myrrh are the following: prayer, forgiveness and outreach.  May we have the courage, humility and generosity to bear such gifts in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior.  Assuring you of my prayers and best wishes, I remain


 Yours truly in Christ,

Bishop Charles C. Thompson