Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

What Is Rogation Day?

By Father John Boeglin

For centuries, folks have gathered in their rural communities to ask God’s favor for a good harvest and protection for animals such as poultry, and dairy and beef cattle. We also pray that we may be spared of natural disasters such as flooding, tornadoes and drought, which could destroy plants, animals and farm buildings.

As the Rural Life Director of this diocese, we have hosted an annual Rogation Day service since July in the summer of 1988.  During that year our region suffered a severe drought.  Farmers begged me to host a Rogation service imploring God to bring much needed rain.  That service was held at Ferdinand. In fact the next day it did rain. 

Our annual Rogation Day evening service this year will be held at 6:30 p.m. EDT April 13 on the grounds of St. Celestine Parish in Celestine. 

The Latin word Rogare means to ask favor.  Catholic Rogation services date back to the middle ages, especially in France.  As recently as 75 years ago our local rural ancestors spoke of large Catholic Rogation Days in the diocese.  These days were usually connected with either the three days before Ascension Thursday or near the feast of St. Mark, whose feast is celebrated on April 25.  Now, I try to schedule our annual Rogation service before farmers and gardeners become too busy in their fields and gardens.

In January of this year, Northeast Dubois County was affected by a bird flu virus that infected several poultry houses in the Celestine-Dubois area.  With proper management skills from federal and state authorities and lots of cooperation with local farmers and their elevators, an economic disaster of the local farm economy was prevented.

There was an ecumenical prayer service held in January at the Lutheran Church (at the crossroads in Dubois) for moral support, and to reduce stress for those who had to work so cautiously during the outbreak.  Most farmers could not attend this service since they were advised to not get close to one another to prevent spreading the virus.  Local farmers and neighbors can now socialize again.

I invite the local farmers of the Northeast Dubois County to come and give thanks at our annual Rogation Day evening service for being spared a potential disaster.  I invite all people of the diocese who care about the land that sustains our crops and provides a place where we can raise our animals for food.  Farming is a big business, and there are lots of risks.  We seek God’s help and protection to be the best stewards of these resources.

Our service will begin outside the St. Celestine Church with a procession into the church singing the Litany of Saints and the Litany of St. Isidore, the patron saint of farmers and farm workers.  The service will conclude with Mass.  On July 1, the parishes of St. Celestine and St. Raphael in Dubois will merge to become St. Isidore Parish.  It is providential that we are here this year with the name change.

Participants are invited to bring a small bag of soil to be blessed at the end of the service.  They are to take the soil home and sprinkle it on their fields and garden as a sign of blessing and care for the earth.  Participants are also invited to bring a bag of seed to be blessed.  Participants will receive small bottles of blessed water to sprinkle on those items they wish to bless on their farms, fields and animals.  Prayer cards with a blessing will also be given out.

Anyone who cares about the good earth is invited to come and participate! 

Father Boeglin is pastor of Holy Family Parish in Jasper and Rural Life Director for the Diocese of Evansville.