Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

The Church Teaches; Science Reveals; Society Says

By Dr. Jim Schroeder

Editor’s Note: This is the first of a regular series of columns that will appear in The Message. Columns are provided by the Southwest Indiana Guild of the Catholic medical Association.

Most of us find that in our daily lives, in whatever roles we take, our beliefs are challenged in different ways.  Growing up Catholic, I have found myself struggling with particular teachings, both through my own failings and uncertainties, but also in empathizing with those I know well whose practices contradict our Church teachings.  

I know these people.  I love these people, and I believe we all desire happiness now and eternally even as our society suggests we should embrace many different choices regardless of outcomes.  Often, especially in this postmodern world, the Church’s values seem particularly harsh, even unfair.  It has led many to feel that the Church is out of step with our current times.  But is this truly so?

The Church teaches that pride is the root of all vices.  Psychological research indicates that narcissism is on the rise, especially in our younger generation, and is creating a community that is disjointed, disenchanted, and confused.

The Church teaches that gluttony and sloth undermine the value of food and rest, and create an excess that threatens our mind, body, and soul.  The Journal of the American Medical Association cites that almost 70 percent of Americans are overweight or obese, and that obesity is a significant threat to mental health and will soon overtake smoking as the leading cause of death.  

The Church teaches that lust treats the human body as a commodity, and not as one beautiful expression of God’s masterpiece.  Current statistics indicate that pornography profits in the U.S. are greater than the revenues of CBS, ABC, and NBC combined.

The Church teaches that contraception violates the natural law.  The World Health Organization indicates that oral contraceptives are a class one carcinogen, similar to asbestos, radon, and plutonium.

The Church teaches that fear prevents love, and that ultimately, we should not be afraid.  Current studies indicate that anxiety is the number one psychological complaint for all, and at unhealthy levels, is associated with a myriad of negative health outcomes.  

The Church teaches that a valid marriage is forever and indissoluble. Science teaches us that growing up in a married, intact family confers the greatest benefit to children and other living arrangements result in varying degrees of social, psychological, emotional and academic harm.

The Church teaches that homosexual acts are not a healthy expression of human sexuality.  The International Journal of Epidemiology finds that the risk of contracting AIDS is 18 times greater during anal intercourse than vaginal intercourse.

The Church teaches that all human life is precious, from conception to natural death, and that each person is deserving of our love and utmost care.  The American Psychological and Psychiatric Associations speak out vehemently against discrimination of individuals with disabilities whose happiness and livelihood may be threatened by others (but curiously supports the right to abort them, ending this pursuit altogether).

The Church teaches that premarital sex does not preserve the loving union and well-being of each individual and the couple as a whole.  The American Academic of Pediatrics reports that adolescents having sex are more likely to be depressed and suicidal, use illicit substances, and are at significant risk for the rising threat of sexual transmitted diseases.  

The Church teaches that greed creates conditions where certain people are exploited for others’ gains and struggle to meet basic needs.  The U.S. Census Bureau states that the gap between rich and poor in this country continues to widen.

Some say that the Church is not relevant in our current culture.  But it seems the world cries out that we are needed now, maybe more than ever.  

Jim Schroeder is a member of the Evansville Guild of the Catholic Medical Association. He works as (need title) at St. Mary’s Hospital in Evansville. Please send thoughts, comments, or requests for references to Schroeder at