Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Bruté Collection Interests Vatican Observatory

Christina Graney, top, makes notes as her husband Chris describes a detailed map of the moon in an astronomy book from the late 1600s. The message photos by Tim Lilley

Earlier this year, Christopher M. Graney and his wife Christina traveled to Vincennes from their home in Louisville, Ky., for a special look into the history of our diocese – and of Catholicism in this part of the world. Graney contacted the diocesan communications office to request a look at some of the books and other materials that are part of the Old Cathedral Library and Museum. His focus was science – specifically, astronomy. Graney is a weekly contributor to the blog of the Vatican Observatory Foundation, and he believed that Servant of God Bishop Simon Bruté, the first bishop of Vincennes, may have brought some early works on astronomy with him from France.

Graney was right. In the first photo, Graney, left, talks to Father Dave Fleck, pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish and Dean of the Diocese’s North Deanery, about the books he located in the Bishop Bruté Collection. In the second photo, Christina Graney, top, makes notes as her husband Chris describes a detailed map of the moon in an astronomy book from the late 1600s. The final photo provides a closer look at that map.

Graney will be writing about his findings in the Bruté Collection. Look for his report online at