Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Shop Locally, Celebrate Simply

By Kristine Schroeder, Special To The Message

I am not sure where the idea began.  Maybe it was my dread of shopping, particularly in big box stores or crowded malls.  Or, possibly, it occurred because color, size and style had become too daunting. I know some credit must be attributed to my mother, who often repeated her mantra, “If we don’t support small enterprises and local merchants, someday we will have no other choice than (you fill in the blank with a big box store name). 

At any rate, shortly after Christmas lights and ads appeared, I decided on a new approach to holiday cheer for my four married children and their spouses.  All of my adult gifts were to be consumable, practical items produced by or sold at local shops and churches.  Wrapping was minimal as I purchased four beautiful baskets from a store that markets free-trade items.  The tag on the baskets explained that a purchase of these products helps sustain a village coop in Ghana, West Africa.  It was gratifying to think that my gift was also a gift to someone needy. 

After purchasing the “wrapping,” I brainstormed ideas for local goodies.  First stop –  River City Mercantile on the walkway downtown.  I don’t know about you, but being a price conscious person often makes it difficult for me to pay a higher price for an item like soap that I can purchase at a discount store.  I know it is not the same quality but….   However, buying these goods as gifts released me from my cost concerns, and I enjoyed also being able to support the local merchants.  Baskets, soaps, infused vinegars and olive oils were a few of my first ideas.  Next I opted for chocolates and honey.

Although I had initially planned to shop at the local chocolate vendor, a dinner with my uncle and aunt redirected me.  While sharing my idea with them, my aunt commented that her parish, Holy Cross in Fort Branch, was selling delicious turtles as a fundraiser.  Sold!  She purchased them the next day and graciously had them delivered by her courier daughter.  Honey was next on my list.  On a visit to a grocery store that I knew carried regional honey, I was checking the label when I began to wonder if the honey was raw.  (I had learned from a beekeeper that pasteurized honey loses its health benefits.) I decided to call the number on the label and was rewarded with a visit to the actual owner, a tour of his facility, and a gallon of purchased honey (which I divided into four quarts).

Also, this past summer my daughter and I picked blueberries (at a “U-pick”) and blackberries at a friend’s.  A pear tree in my back yard provided a third flavor.  Much of that fruit was made into jams, and every couple received a pint jar of each. Finally, a visit to a local winery completed the basket of treats.

As I explained my idea to friends, many other suggestions were made.  My jeweler sister-in-law mentioned the GREAT ONE DIVINE decals that were designed by an Evansville native and sold at a local jewelry store.  Someone else suggested a gift certificate from a locally owned and operated restaurant.  That was put in the envelope along with the decal.  But my favorite suggestion was “parish shopping.”  Most of our local parishes host socials or Christmas bazaars where beautiful handmade items or delicious baked goods and canned foods can be purchased. My own home parish, St. Boniface in Evansville, has a wonderful church bazaar in mid-November.

Although the ideas kept coming – local popcorn, hand knit items, tickets to the orchestra to mention a few – my budget said stop.  I must say that this was one of my most enjoyable Christmas shopping experiences for myriad reasons.  One, I knew all the items would “fit.” Two, the money stayed in our community or helped a mission community.  Added benefits included meeting many locally talented people while avoiding the crowds and stress.  Oh, and yes, my husband and I enjoyed some of those items also. I am already excited about shopping ideas for next year.

Schroeder is a member of St. Boniface Parish in Evansville. We are grateful for her contribution.