Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Encuentro Diocesan Kickoff

By Bishop Charles C. Thompson

As a tax collector, Levi would have been despised by practically everyone.  Tax

collectors were considered no better than traitors, scoundrels and ritually unclean.  They

collected taxes, often taking an additional cut for themselves, from their own people on behalf of

those who occupied and oppressed them.  Ordinarily, any decent person of self-respect would

avoid such a person at all costs.  He was, after all, deemed by religious authorities as a sinner.  

    Jesus, however, rarely limited himself to ordinary social behavior.  According to Luke,

Jesus saw Levi and called him to follow.  Far from avoiding the tax collector, Jesus was

engaging him in a special invitation.  Levi was been invited to relationship with Jesus.  Levi, for

his part, did not hesitate.  Leaving everything behind, he gets up and follows.  If having

abandoned his post, his way of life, was not risky enough, Levi throws a great party—a

banquet—drawing others like him to encounter Jesus.  While others look upon Levi and other tax

collectors as sinners, Jesus looks upon them as those in need of healing and mercy.  

    Like Levi, Jesus looks upon us and invites us to follow.  Like Levi, Jesus looks into our

hearts, the very core of our being, and offers mercy and healing of any wounds we might carry in

our lives.  He invites us to a personal encounter of Him, not so much as a judge but as a

physician.  He comes not so much to condemn, as to reconcile and redeem us.  The ultimate

judgment is that of our own doing, refusing to accept his invitation and join with one another in

communion with Him.  

    The word “Encuentro” points to this invitation Jesus extends to each of us, directing us

toward one another in Him.  As we look upon one another, we must strive to see through the

eyes of Him who seeks to love, save and raise us up.  This we must do for one another, if we are

to accept his invitation to follow as His disciples.  As we embark upon this V Encuentro, may

our hearts and minds be open to the sacredness of God and one another in and through Jesus

Christ our great physician and savior.