Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Lent...A Time To Love

By Sister Jeanne Maffet, O.S.C.

A few years back, a movie came out titled “Fireproof” that changed my thinking of life. In the film, a married couple were having some problems, and it looked as if they were going to separate. But a family member intervened and asked them to do some “little things” that showed how much they still loved each other. After a short time the flame of their love was rekindled, and they fell in love all over again.


This is what our time of Lent can be for us: a way to rekindle our love for God and becoming more aware of His love for each one of us. Instead of concentrating on doom and gloom, we can see the truth of who we are, recognize our sinfulness and rejoice in God’s compassionate forgiveness in our hearts. Striving to do this during the season of Lent encourages us to continue throughout our lives.


St. Mother Theresa is known for her saying: ‘Do small things with great love.” Most of us will never be known for great accomplishments, but we all can find “small things” to return Jesus’ love for us. A simple smile to recognize another person; a simple gesture to offer a hand to someone in need; a prayer to remember those suffering around us and let them know that they are thought of and cared about.

Lent is this time to be aware of how privileged we are to be loved by our merciful God and, in recognizing that, return His love – letting His flame ignite our hearts and lives. Self-denial will always be part of that, but let us not forget how important the “small things” can be.