Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Seminarian Profile - Garrett Braun

By The Message Staff
Garrett Braun

Name: Garrett Braun 

Date of Birth: Feb. 28, 1992

Where were you born? Indianapolis

Do you have brothers and sisters?  If so, what are their names and ages?

Lauren (Braun) Medvecz and Erin (Braun) Frasier

Parents’ names: Randy and Judy Braun

Current Parish: St. John the Baptist, Newburgh 

What aspect of priestly ministry is most attractive to you?

Administering the sacraments.  My favorite part of studying theology thus far has been how our greatest fulfillment comes from embracing the sacramental life of the Church.

What would you say to a young man who is considering a call to the priesthood?

Develop a daily prayer life, trust that God wants fulfillment for you in this life and the next, and frequent confession/ Eucharist as much as possible. 

What does discipleship mean to you?  Tell us why the Church needs disciples today.

Discipleship means letting acts of charity flow through a daily prayer life.  The Church needs disciples to show that love conquers all - fear, sin and the struggle of our human condition. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I went to St. John the Baptist grade school followed by Castle High School. After a family move I graduated from St. John Neumann High School in Naples, Fla. Through these years I developed a love for the outdoors, reading and athletics.

What Scripture passage hits home with you the most these days? Why?

1 John 4:8, “God is love.” When love is all that we seek and God is love, how can we seek anything else but him? 

Do you have a favorite saint?  Who is it and why?

Right now it is Saint Therese of Lisieux.  Her life of radical trust and love was focused entirely on God’s glory and not on herself.