Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Bishops Invite All Catholics

By USCCB Secretariat Of Pro-Life Activities


When people hear the word "pilgrimage," many think of far-off destinations like Lourdes, Fatima, or Santiago de Compostela. Today, in the digital era, we have the opportunity to make a pilgrimage without ever leaving our hometown. In fact, the U.S. Bishops are asking Catholics to consider making a digital pilgrimage with the intention of the respect for and protection of all human life.

Jan. 22 marks the anniversary of the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion throughout pregnancy. Forty-two years later, more than 56 million children's lives have been ended; and their parents, grandparents, siblings and many others suffer in the aftermath.

The unborn are not the only ones whose lives we should ask God to protect. We should pray regularly for the hungry; those without shelter; persons with disabilities; and all who are vulnerable. Increasingly, as more states consider legalizing doctor-assisted suicide, we also should pray that all those nearing the end of their lives may receive care that respects the sanctity of their lives. The Church recognizes and joyfully proclaims that each person's life has value — from conception to natural death.

It is with this intention for the respect and protection of human life in mind that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops invites all Catholics to make a 9-day digital pilgrimage. "9 Days for Life" will take place Jan. 17-25 (the nine days surrounding the anniversary of Roe v. Wade). To participate, visit and sign up for daily alerts (accessible via email, text message, or an app) or download and print the novena.

Together, people across the country can unite in prayer for the protection of life at all stages.

Along with daily prayer intentions, "9 Days for Life" also provides reflections, suggested acts of reparation, and additional resources. "9 Days for Life" seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the value of life, and encourages participants to continue to pray, support and advocate for life long after the pilgrimage's end.

If you're convicted that life is worth making a pilgrimage for, you can sign up now at to join this important spiritual journey. Bilingual leader resources are available.