Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Catholic Relief Services

Ebola hasn’t gone away.


American media outlets have decreased their Ebola reporting significantly, but the numbers in West Africa remain unsettling. As of Jan. 14, the countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone have reported 21,261 cases of Ebola – with 8,414 deaths. 


That’s a mortality rate of almost 40 percent.


In carrying out its gospel mission on behalf of the Catholic community in the United States, Catholic Relief Services remains active in those three countries. After the outbreak, CRS committed $1.5 million of its emergency funds and sought support from various donors to further its work in fighting the virus. 


Without a vaccine or cure, the best weapon against Ebola is information about how to avoid contracting and spreading it. That is the focus of CRS’ effort, working with the local Church.


In Liberia, CRS has also been instrumental in helping to reopen a major Catholic health facility that closed when many of its staff died from Ebola. In Sierra Leone, CRS is working to see that those who die of Ebola, their bodies dangerously infectious, receive burials that are safe and dignified, and respectful of culture and customs.


Many Catholics in the United States want to know how they can help. Donations to this important effort can be sent to Catholic Relief Services, P.O. Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 21297-030, with “Ebola Collection” on the memo line. 


The other important way you can help is by praying for those suffering from Ebola, and for the men and women of CRS – for their work against this and so many other threats to the life and dignity of God’s family around the world.