Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

A Special Message To Our Muslim Brothers And Sisters For Ramadan

By Bishop Charles C. Thompson

May 27th, 2017

To our Muslim brothers and sisters in the Evansville area,

I extend my warmest greetings to you, our brothers and sisters in Abraham, as you begin your holy month of Ramadan. I also offer my encouragement for all of you as you enter this time of prayer, fasting and outreach to the poor.


Although there are differences between our two religious traditions, we are still able to recognize many points of a common faith. Our shared faith in God, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate, calls us to change what is in ourselves so that we might be more receptive to his blessings. The Catholic Diocese of Evansville stands with you in the defense of the right to the free exercise of religion. We want to work with you to build a world of justice for the poor and marginalized. We desire to do what is necessary to develop true peace together in our hearts, our homes and our world.


May all of us imitate the example of Mary, who believed in the words of her Lord and, like her, be numbered among the devout ones. May she, who was the handmaid of the Lord, inspire us to carry out God’s commands of worship and service to those around us.

I pray that God bless you during the month of Ramadan and beyond, and that your active observance would bring a wonderful feast of Eid al’Fitr!

Peace and Blessings,

Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson, D.D., JCL

Bishop of Evansville