Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

The Heart Of New Evangelization

By Bisop Charles C. Thompson

Much has been written about the call to New Evangelization.  At the heart of this call is the notion of encounter.  Pope-Emeritus Benedict XVI made it quite clear that New Evangelizationis not so much about programs and activities as about encountering the person of Jesus Christ.  Pope Francis has emphasized this same focus by encouraging us to create a culture of encounter.  According to the dictionary, “encounter” means to meet, to come upon, to engage, or to face.  To encounter another person involves a willingness to open oneself to getting to know and be known by the other.  It necessarily requires courage, trust and humility. Without these requisites, one cannot engage in actual sustainable relationship with God or neighbor. 


            At this time of year, a great deal of time and energy is spent on decorating, exchanging gifts and attending various festive gatherings.  These activities provide a certain structure to celebrating with family, friends, co-workers and classmates.  As such, this time of year is often referred to as the season of joy. Yet, there are many who find this a very difficult time of hardship and pain; those who are lonely, homeless, estranged from loved ones, struggling to make ends meet, and/or dealing with overwhelming issues in their lives.  A culture of encounter must include each and every person. 


            Ultimately, this is what Christmas is all about … encounter.  The incarnation of Jesus Christ marks God becoming one like us in all things but sin.  Such an encounter is not without purpose.  The name “Jesus,” in Hebrew, means “to save.”  Created in the image of God, each of us has the necessary ingredient to encounter our savior.  In turn, each of us carries the potential of witness to others.  The sources of encounter with God and neighbor, as Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI reminded us, are Proclamation of the Word, Celebration of Sacraments and Outreach of Service.  The means of encounter involve prayer, personal and communal, sacred scripture, reflection, creation and relationship with others.  The fruits of encounter include peace, joy, healing, belonging, understanding and reconciliation.


            There is no greater gift to be given or received than that of love, especially divine love.  We strive for many things to be happy, fulfilled and secure.  Yet, without encountering the person of Jesus Christ, we Christians ultimately know that our lives will always be lacking.  Having realized that God alone satisfies our deepest longings, St. Augustine says, “You have made us for yourself, Lord, and our heart can find no rest until it rests in you.”  Jesus Christ was sent as Savior of the World to make this encounter possible for each and every person.  In turn, Jesus taught that we are to go beyond our comfort zones and reach out to others if want to sustain such an encounter.  He especially directs us to reach out to the least of His brothers and sisters as if they are our own brothers and sisters, which they are; namely, the poor, the sick, the prisoner, the immigrant, the homeless and all who are vulnerable (cf. MT 25:31-46).  Obviously, this includes the unborn, the young and the elderly as well.  As Pope Francis exhorts, we must be willing to go out to the margins, the peripheries of society, to seek out the lost, the forsaken, the destitute, the abandoned, the abused, the addicted, the lame and the disillusioned.  


            May we never tire of striving to bring the person of Jesus Christ to others by means of Word, Sacrament and Service.  May we never become blind to the presence of Him in others, especially those who are marred in filth, brokenness, bitterness, despair and fear.  May we never allow our minds and hearts to become harden to unexpected encounters with the person of Jesus Christ amid the hustle and bustle of life.  May we never take for granted all the many people making a difference in our lives and the lives of others.  Within every challenge is the occasion for opportunity.  Let us seize each and every opportunity to nourish, sustain and develop a culture of encounter with God and neighbor.  Our hearts will not rest until they rest in everlasting encounter.