Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Saints' Examples Strengthen Pro-life Movement

By Kaitlin Emmert

It's inspiring to me that each Saint’s life is so different and unique. Each lived deeply rooted in Christ’s will, fully trusting in the Lord and serving as they were called. What a gift that we can follow the Saints’ examples, not only in their specific actions but in their overall commitment to live only for God. As the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade court decision and the annual March for Life just passed, I'd like to focus on saints who are important to the pro-life movement. The cause for all to observe the dignity of every human life can be strengthened by these saints’ examples and intercession.


St. Gianna Molla was a pediatrician in Italy in the mid-1900s who was pregnant with her fourth child when complications arose. Given a few options, including abortion, Gianna chose a surgery that would not harm her child. The complications continued, but she gave birth to a baby girl, Gianna Emanuela.  St. Gianna died seven days later. St. Gianna, help us to love and to give as you did. Help us to humble ourselves to live God’s will and to put others before ourselves, as Jesus did. We pray especially for those who choose abortion for any reason, for the conversion and the healing of their hearts and the salvation of their souls.


St. Marianne Cope was born in 1838 and entered the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis in New York. After becoming Mother Superior, she moved to Hawaii to care for those with leprosy there. She provided the best healthcare and education for those suffering from this disease and opened a home for girls whose parents were lepers. She later opened a home for girls and women. St. Marianne truly believed that each life is valuable and served without thought of her own comfort. St. Marianne, help us to be pro-life in every way, giving of ourselves to serve others, even those viewed lowest in society. Help us to proclaim that each life has dignity at every stage of life through our words, actions, and prayers.


St. Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish saint who exemplified “Greater Love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). A prisoner at Auschwitz concentration camp, he offered to take the place of a prisoner sentenced to death. Saint John Paul the Great said in his canonization homily, “Fr. Maximilian Maria Kolbe thus reaffirmed the Creator’s exclusive right over innocent human life. He bore witness to Christ and to love.” This sums up our belief in being pro-life from conception until natural death: “the Creator [has] exclusive right over innocent human life.” Saint Maximilian, help us to radically follow Jesus and be willing to even risk our lives for others. Help us to remember that earth is not our eternal home.


This time of year, it is always fruitful to pray for and defend all life. There are countless issues to pray for in the world; and if killing our own children is legal, how will we advance in ways that help other people in all walks of life? Let's pray for an end to abortion. Let's pray for changed hearts, for a respect for all people, the ill, disabled, neighbors, and brothers and sisters thousands of miles away. Let's treat our families, friends, coworkers, and strangers like who they truly are, children of God. Let's act and pray together for God’s beloved people.