Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Seeing The Lord In Nearly Everything

By Kaitlin Klein

A great blessing of my husband is that I can bounce column ideas off him, and he gives me good feedback. However, sometimes that means that he encourages me to change or better process my topic. That happened this month, and I found myself somewhat reluctantly but humbly in search of a new topic. As I was walking around my home, I was trying to remain open and seek inspiration from things around me: the painting on the wall, the sesame fudge I was having for a snack, the empathy I felt for my husband and his bad case of poison ivy, my sleeping daughter. I found that I was seeing the Lord in nearly everything, and it was a beautiful experience. I was purposefully seeking His presence in the ordinary, and the result brought peace and joy. I know this is what He wants for us. He is present in every fiber of the universe He created, and He desires that we know His presence in all things and in every moment.


My husband and I try to mention at least one way we have seen God working in our lives each day as we begin dinner. I find it helpful to share with another person. This specific time at dinner is meaningful, and I am trying to be better at sharing in the moment when I recognize the Lord’s presence as well. As I realized this month, taking time for a longer, deeper reflection in prayer can be fruitful too. Here are some ideas for a more thorough reflection of God’s presence in our lives.


                                                Reflection for Recognizing God’s Presence


Come, Holy Spirit, and help me to recognize your presence today. Where have I seen your presence visually? In what ways have I heard your presence? Smelled? Touched? Tasted? In what people, in what relationships, in what interactions do I recognize your presence? In what love languages: quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, gift giving, acts of service? In what thoughts do I recognize your guidance? What desires did you place in my heart? How did I encounter you in prayer? In what ways were you there in my successes? My joys? My sufferings and struggles? Please help me to be aware of You in each moment and see You in each gift, tangible and intangible. Please guide me to hear your thunder and your whisper. I desire your presence in every aspect of my life, and I know you are there; please help me be aware of Your love, guidance, and presence.