Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Newman Club Truly Is A Ministry

By By Annie Sheridan
Annie Sheridan

Though Christians are not supposed to be deceptive, “Newman Club” is indeed a deceptive title.  It is not until one looks at our mission statement for“Catholic Campus Ministry” that they realize the Newman Club is not a club but a ministry. Other clubs throughout campus meet to share interest in their sports, majors or hobbies.  Though we certainly share a zeal for our Catholic faith and form a like-minded community, this is not the main purpose of our gathering.  Our vision of “Faith, Fellowship, Service” is our driving force.  We carry it through the rest of our university activities and receive great joy from sharing its fruits with others.

Both the University of Evansville and the University of Southern Indiana are extremely blessed to have members of their Newman Clubs who are genuine in their faith and feel the call to share God’s love with everyone they encounter, whether through word or deed.  Their members are welcoming, ever expanding their community, and are open and assertive about their faith without being aggressive.

With elections for the 2019-2020 school year fast approaching, we ask that you think of your loved ones, or even yourself, now attending one of the aforementioned universities.  We at Newman know there are many selfless individuals across our campuses who are looking for a way to share the gifts that God has granted them.  Perhaps this new year is the opportune time to discern whether God is calling you to offer them back through campus ministry.  Whether you would like to devote an hour of your time to helping in some way with the Mass on Sundays (singing in the choir, being trained as a Eucharistic minister or simply greeting people as they come in) or you would like to help lead the Catholic mission on your campus by joining the Ministry Team, please pray about it, and don’t be afraid to ask questions from people who now hold that position.

We at Newman also understand that there are many of you on campus who are feeling overwhelmed with your major, your jobs and life in general.  We want to remind you that Newman is, in fact, a ministry to serve you.  As mentioned before, we are not simply a club.  If this is your senior year and you have not come to a single event sponsored by Newman, we are still here for you. Whether you are running low on food, have questions about your faith or are looking for a community that will be there for you with your best interest at heart, please utilize us.  If you are at the University of Evansville, we have a house at 1901 Lincoln Ave.  Newman at the University of Southern Indiana is located at the Religious Life office.  This invitation is not only to our Catholic brothers and sisters but everyone.  As Jenny (Koch), our Newman director at the University of Evansville says, “You’re not welcome because you’re Catholic; you’re welcome because we are.”

Adriana “Annie” Sheridan currently serves as President of the Newman Club at the Univesity of Evansville. She is a sophomore from Petersburg with a double major of Religion and Psychology.