Southwestern Indiana's Catholic Community Newspaper

Word Of The Day

By Kaitlin Klein
Kaitlin Klein

One of my friends got involved in Toastmasters, an organization that focuses on improving public speaking and leadership skills. One aspect of the first meeting she attended was the Word of the Day. Participants were encouraged to use the word as they could in their speeches, interactions, and dialogue in the meeting. I thought this sounded like a fun and challenging goal, and it prompted me to think about how this could apply to everyday life. One month into the new year, I began exploring this idea. 

We all choose the words we use and the attitudes we have, and these aspects of our lives have a big impact on us and those with whom we come into contact. I want to make sure to note that we all have bad days, of course, and that it’s ok—even important—to acknowledge any bad feelings or frustrations. We must acknowledge what is going on in our lives, our thoughts, feelings, and desires, before we can move on and before we can most beneficially converse with the Lord in prayer. (“Acknowledge” is the first step in “praying like a pirate” — ARRR reminds us to acknowledge, relate, receive and resolve in prayer.) 

I use the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi at the beginning of my workday to help me to respond to others in love. I’m going to also experiment with a Word of the Day and a Topic of the Day. I think it will be a fruitful challenge to focus my mind and heart on serving and loving others in a particular way that day. The word or topic could be inspired by the daily readings or the saint whose feast is being celebrated. Another idea is to simply try to say “God bless you” more often. Another, to compliment each person with whom you have a conversation—compliment their shoes, strength, smile, or positive attitude. 

We’re in between the Christmas season and Lent, back to Ordinary Time. A month of the new year has passed, and maybe our new year’s resolutions aren’t at the front of our minds anymore. But let’s keep striving to be better people, one day at a time. Whether you’re involved with Toastmasters to improve your public speaking to better serve others and the Lord, participating in a Bible study to grow in knowledge and awe of God, trying to keep up with laundry and many chores to serve and love your family, or settling into a new season of life following the Lord’s guidance, we can all strive to be better people and continue journeying toward heaven. I benefit from new ideas and applications for my prayer and my everyday life, and I hope you will also seek out ways to bring you closer to Jesus this year.